"Belief" as it relates to the 4 types of people.

4. People who struggle with their desire to give and inability to receive.

There's 3 parts to this one. We've all heard; "it is better to give than to receive" The question becomes; According to whom? Based upon what? Compared to what? and "In what circumstances?"

I propose under no circumstances. There is no imbalance in nature. All the way
down through the quantum level every electron is balanced with its' counterpart.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. And this must also be
true in any fair exchange. Again, back to Emerson's "Law of Compensation".

The second component is the concept of "struggle". The word is an primarily
used as an adjective, sometimes as a noun. When used as an adjective it represents
an emotion. And it is well known that strategies build wealth and emotions destroy
it. Until you can manage your emotions you cannot expect to manage and master

The third component of this one relates again to the concept of "Deserve Quotient"
which will be discussed at a later date. People "struggle" with receiving because
at some level (usually other than conscious level) they do not believe they deserve
to receive.

Wealth is about creation. You can create many things, businesses and/or states of being. Your imagination is more important than your current level of knowledge. Your WHY is more important than the how.

For those who missed yesterday's email;

Good Morning Team - There are many many personality profile tools like the MMPI
DISC, 4 Colors, 4 Animals and others that seek to divide complex human beings into
neatly boxed categories. There is some value in doing so and some risk as well.

Here's one that we run into often;

1.People who believe the only way to get wealthy is at someone else's expense
2.People who outwardly desire wealth and inwardly feel guilty about acquiring it
3.People who say they "just want to be comfortable and secure" rather than wealthy
4.People who struggle with their desire to give and inability to receive.

All 4 groups have one thing in common: They're holding themSelves back from
experiencing the abundance and joy that surrounds all of us. Everyone at some point in time has issues with money and what it is, what it means and what it can be used for. Learning to address them in a powerful, supportive, productive manner is only one part of success.

Example; We've all heard the stories of the millionaires that make it, lost it all, make it, lose it again and then the 3rd time is the charm. That's the classic journey of learning about money, what it is, what it isn't. Along the way people will often play the blame game...and as long as they do...what they seek will elude them.

All four groups can be summed up with two words...and where the individual is
"at" concerning these two words....they each represent a continuum.

Belief + Deserve.

Author's Bio: 

I’m just an average guy who’s learned a few things about Life, Success and Personal Development - thanks to some incredibly good and bad experiences during the past 25+ years. I’ve made many mistakes and have learned to combine down to earth values with a unique ability to distill complex concepts into simple, powerful strategies which can be immediately applied to produce measurable results. In short;

“I’ve traveled the territory, drawn a few maps and I’m happy to share them”

I do not consider myself to be an “expert” and my work is never presented as the definitive doctrine on how you should live your life or what it takes to be successful in your business. I am a work in progress and if you were to you join me on life’s journey by hiring me as your coach or partnering with us in business – our learning will very likely be a two way street. In fact, I expect it to be.

“What you know dies with you – what you DO leaves a legacy”