Before we get started on the workout, let’s take a moment to explain the “Chest, Back, Legs, Shoulders & Arms” split. When training for maximum muscular gains, you want to hit each muscle group with intense training 1-2 times per week. When choosing a workout split that works for you it is important to first determine the number of days you are available to train on a regular basis. Once you know the number of days, then picking the body parts to work with each workout becomes much easier. There is no “right split.” There are instead numerous possibilities you can chose from to reach your goals. This four day body part split is awesome for hitting every major muscle group once per week. It allows a person with 3-4 hours a week available to work out to make unbelievable gains. Believe it! In Four 40-55 minute workouts, as listed here, you can create a rock hard physique.

The following is a program designed to blast your total body into shape. This is a comprehensive regiment designed to build lean mass and symmetry throughout your entire physique. The number of exercises, sets and repetitions is adjusted depending upon your current fitness level. If you are a “beginner,” follow the “beginner” program. The same goes for “intermediate” and “advanced.” Once you have mastered a particular level and are competent and confident in your progression then, and only then, move on to the next level. It should go without saying, but it is advised to seek clearance from a medical professional before beginning any exercise program. This is no different. As always, if any exercise feels dangerous or hurts in a way other than the good muscular burn, use an alternative exercise. This is a challenging program and all warnings and necessary precautions should be taken. Now that that has been said and all of the legal bases are covered…it’s time to get after it!

Monday (Chest)

Beginners: Perform the first THREE exercises for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Follow that with 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions for each abdominal exercise.

Intermediates: Perform the first FOUR exercises for 4 sets of 15,12,10,8 repetitions. Follow that with 4 sets of 10-20 repetitions for each abdominal exercise.

Advanced: Perform the first FOUR of the listed exercises for 5 sets ranging from 5-20 repetitions. Then perform the final exercise (Push-Ups) for TWO sets to complete temporary muscle fatigue. Follow that with 4 sets of 15-30 repetitions for each of the abdominal exercises.

1. Bench Press
2. Incline Bench Press
3. Pec Flies (Attachment)
4. Decline Bench Press
5. Push-Ups
6. Abdominals
* Machine Crunches
* Seated Plate Twists
* Leg Raises

Tuesday (Back)

Beginners: Perform the first THREE exercises for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Follow that with 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions for each of the abdominal exercises.

Intermediates: Perform the first FOUR exercises for 4 sets of 15,12,10,8 repetitions. Follow that with 4 sets of 10-20 repetitions for each of the abdominal exercises.

Advanced: Perform ALL of the listed exercises for 5 sets ranging from 5-20 repetitions. Follow that with 4 sets of 15-30 repetitions for each of the abdominal exercises.

1. Bent-Over Row
2. Lat Pulldown (Overhand wide)
3. Machine Row (Preacher Curl/Row Attachment)
4. Lat Pulldown (Underhand close using small bar attached to pull-down assembly)
5. Prone Incline Bench Rows
6. Abdominals
* Sit-Ups
* Supermans
* Bicycle

Thursday (Legs)

Beginners: Perform the first FOUR exercises for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions for each of the abdominal exercises. (A repetition for the twisting plank is when each hip has touched the ground.)

Intermediates: Perform the first FIVE exercises for 4 sets of 15,12,10,8 repetitions. Perform 4 sets of 10-20 repetitions for each of the abdominal exercises. (A repetition for the twisting plank is when each hip has touched the ground.)

Advanced: Perform ALL of the listed exercises for 4 sets ranging from 5-20 repetitions per set. Perform 4 sets of 15-30 repetitions for each of the abdominal exercises. (A repetition for the twisting plank is when each hip has touched the ground.)

1. Machine Squat
2. Leg Extension
3. Leg Curl
4. Double Leg Calf Raise
5. Lunges (Machine Squat Apparatus)
6. Stiff Leg Deadlift
7. Single Leg Calf Raise on Machine Squat
8. Abdominals
* Kick-outs Seated on the bench
* Twisting Plank
* Machine Crunch

Friday (Shoulders & Arms)

Beginners: Perform the first FIVE exercises for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Follow that with 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions of each of the abdominal exercises.

Intermediates: Perform the first SEVEN exercises for 3 sets 15,12,10 repetitions. Follow that with 4 sets of 10-20 repetitions for each of the abdominal exercises.

Advanced: Perform ALL of the listed exercises for 3-4 sets ranging from 5-20 repetitions. Follow that with 3 sets of 15-30 repetitions for each of the abdominal exercises.

1. Shoulder Press
2. Barbell Style Upright Row
3. Plate Side Raises (hold a single plate in each hand)
4. Preacher Curl (Attachment)
5. Triceps Pushdown (On Lat assembly with small bar attached)
6. Standing Barbell Style Curl
7. Dip Machine Press-down (Attachment)
8. Shrugs
9. Pec Attachment Bent over Rear Delt Pull
10. Abdominals
* V-Ups or Toe touches
* The Dog
* Leg Raises
* Plank (hold for time rather than reps)

It is recommended that you use a training journal to track your weight and reps each workout. This is a way to be sure you are progressing. You will find that if you are pushing yourself as hard as you should you won’t always get all of the reps. When that happens, use a slightly lower or the same weight the next time you do the workout. When you do get all of the prescribed repetitions, bump up the weight a bit on your next workout. (For upper body exercises try 5-10 pound increases and for lower body try 10-20 pound increases) Practice multiple clean and small meals daily and do these work-outs on a regular basis. You will get results! Remember to start at the proper level and progress to the next when the time is right.

Author's Bio: 

Ian Lauer is a certified strength and conditioning specialist. His background in personal training made him an expert in providing countless of valuable advice and a proud member of Team Powertec. Powertec is the pioneer and leader in the area of strength equipment. Headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, Powertec produces a full line of strength equipment for home and light commercial purposes. Our brand is highly sought after by the educated buyer looking for weight capacity maximization without sacrificing safety, customization of their Workbench home gyms through extensive accessory modularization, and commercial gym quality at home gym prices. Visit our website at or our online magazine at for more fitness advice.