Plenty of people often use the method of debt consolidation to rid themselves of all the debts they’ve piled up. They hear of the many advantages that come with this method, such as the benefit of making single monthly payments to rid themselves of their problems. Another reason why many opt for this particular solution is that it’s said to lower the interest rates on the amounts you owe, plus it comes paired with added convenience. Problem is that the people that want to put the action plan into play don’t know how to go about it, or even where to start – are you one of these stumped chumps? If you are, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

You aren’t alone; there are plenty of other chumps like you (just kidding). Now, for those who don’t know where to begin or how the entire process works, you guys can always go to a debt consolidation company. They handle all the dirty work for you, and are more than willing to negotiate on the interest rates and terms you agree to. This includes talking to your creditors, where they’ll send in their team of negotiators to have a special arrangement for. You then make the single monthly payments to them, which as I’ve said earlier, is convenient on your part because you don’t have to go make the payments to loan companies personally.

But a debt consolidation company can never be exactly the same as it were to another of its kind – there will be variations of the rates and terms you’ll be agreeing to. So it’s best you find one that’s offering the best services. Where on earth can I find them, you ask? Well if you really are wondering, I’ve got 3 “places” that’ll provide you with all the information needed as to where you can find these guys, ready? Here they are: first and foremost, the yellow pages. There are some areas in the book with listings of the debt consolidation companies.

Here you’ll find their location, office numbers, and all the important info you’ll need to contact them. Next source would be the World Wide Web, which is full of these financial organizations. Here you’ll find plenty of them, again offering different rates and terms. With the awesome search engines, it won’t be hard for you to get your hands on a list of all local debt consolidation companies (very convenient). They offer online quotes, so it’s best that you get as many as you can, for comparison purposes. From there you’ll be able to filter the best ones, and pick the one that you feel works well with the debt problems you’ve got.

3rd and last source for debt consolidation companies would be your social network or friends. Not just any friend, but the ones that already have enlisted the services of these companies. Referrals (from trusted friends) are a reliable source of information. What you wanna do here is get “quotes” from them, and get as much as feedback as you can when it regards the organizations.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article Rick Goldfeller is an underground Financial Analyst who has been successfully running campaigns for several wealthy clients. Rick finally decided to go public and share his knowledge and experience through his website You can sign up for his free newsletter and join his coaching program.