These days everyone's talking about it...there's not enough of it...we want to have more of how do I create more of it? What's the hot topic? MONEY.

Want to boost your bottom line? Here are 3 keys to increase your income right away:

1. Ramp up your "prosperity" frequency- Careful, your attitude is showing. If you are feeling concerned, desperate or fearful about your own money situation, your prospects and clients are going to pick up on this even if you are saying all the right words!

Solution? Be honest with yourself. Shine a light on your limiting beliefs. Get coached. Read or Re-read Think and Grow Rich, AGAIN!

Bottom line, do what you need to let go of crippling, self limiting beliefs.

2. Take Massive Action-This is not a time for wishful thinking. The playing field has indeed changed and the aftermath of all the financial shifts have caused some business owners to get derailed and off track .Now more than ever as business owners need to have an effective plan of action and the willingness to do what needs to be done.

Solution? Take massive action. Be bold, persistent and consistent. Take action toward your goals every day. E.g. planning to attend a live networking event? Plan ahead, be intentional, wear a smile, and bring order forms! If you have an appointment with a prospective client, show up on time, give great value and be sure to follow up!

This is not the time for doing the bare minimum!

3. Upgrade your deliverables-Are your programs and products the same as last year? Is your marketing plan pretty much the same as last month, and the month before? It's a buyers' market and consumers are carefully evaluating and looking for great value.

Solution? This is the perfect time to give your products and programs a make-over face lift.

Give your very best. Create raving fans and smile all the way to the bank.

Author's Bio: 

Diana Long, Founder of The Life Design Institute LLC., a company which provides coaching, consulting and programs for busy professionals, small business owners and entrepreneurs. By partnering with her clients to design and create both personal and professional success, Diana’s work changes lives!

She offers teleclasses, retreats, coaching programs, mastermind programs, articles and personal consulting that help busy professionals and entrepreneurs, just like you, gain knowledge, support, resources and design a customized Life & Work Design Success Blueprint™ to GET RESULTS for their business and life.