3 Ways to Explore Therapeutic Writing

When the chaos of the world seems to bog us down, writing can be a therapeutic act that provides a calm, safe space.

A routine writing practice can benefit your overall health by reducing stress and anxiety, as well as assist in emotional healing.

But sitting down to write can often prove more difficult than it might seem. If you ever attempted to write, only to find frustration at the lack of words that come out, you’re not alone. Sometimes, it just takes a consistent practice, or alternative writing methods.

Here are three ways you can explore therapeutic writing when you need a time out.

1. Explore Freewriting

Freewriting allows you to tap into the power of self-expression. Instead of feeling stifled to write about a specific topic, you can embrace a freeflow style of writing by simple jotting down anything that comes to mind - even if it doesn’t make sense.

Freewriting is best done in a quiet space, when you’re able to reflect and focus. You can start by setting a timer for five minutes, and use a simple pen and paper. Make sure that you do not put your pen down until the timer goes off. Write whatever comes to mind, and don’t worry about writing well, or fixing any mistakes.

This style of journaling is a powerful practice where you can essentially “brain dump” your thoughts and feelings in a judgement-free zone. This way, you can powerfully engage in creative thought and reap the rewards of art therapy.

2. Use Writing Prompts

If you prefer structure and struggle to write whatever comes to mind, then try using a writing prompt. You can engage in powerful storytelling by getting lost in your creative imagination.

When you use writing to tell stories - whether fiction or nonfiction - you allow your mind to wander. When practiced routinely, this improves memory and allows you to relax.

Think of the types of stories you love to read, and try to re-write those stories in your own way. Creative writing may come natural to you, or it may not. But with practice and an open mind, you’ll soon discover how it feels to lose yourself for a moment in your own creativity.

3. Get Inspired By Other Writers

Stories are the building blocks of society, and many famous authors have changed history and impacted millions of readers through their own written stories.

Think about your own favorite novelists or authors. Who are they? What inspires you about them? How did their stories influence your perspective?

Sometimes, all it takes is for a little nudge of inspiration to get us to take action. If you feel lost when it comes to your own writing, take a mental break and read about your favorite authors. You’ll soon discover that every writer - famous authors included - struggles with writing.

Use these famous writing quotes for inspiration.

Whether you use expressive writing by journaling, storytelling, book writing, or your own creative pursuit, incorporate writing into your daily routine and discover just how therapeutic it can be.

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SelfPublishing.com is the #1 online learning resource and community for writers and aspiring authors looking to self-publish a book. Read more at www.selfpublishing.com