Chronic or sudden back pain can affect people of all ages and fitness levels. If you have been struggling with back pain or want to take preventative measures to try to avoid this problem, there are several ways to lessen the effects of back pain. Changing up your exercise routine, eating foods with anti-inflammatory properties, and much more. Here are some of the best ways to deal with back pain.

Perform the Right Exercises

Certain exercises are known to lessen the effects of pain by strengthening muscles and improving flexibility without putting too much strain on the back. You should be careful since some exercises can make your back pain worse or cause it outright. Partial crunches, hamstring stretches and wall sits are some of the best exercises to do when back pain is present. Pelvic tilts and bridging work great for strengthening the back muscles. Swimming, walking and biking are low-impact forms of exercise that can help you stay fit while being easier on the back. Even short walks have been shown to have tremendous health benefits. Yoga can also help make you more flexible and limber, relaxing your back and preventing pain.

Improve Your Nutrition

The foods that you eat can play a major role in preventing or treating back pain. Eating more salmon, tuna or other types of fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the inflammation that often contributes to discomfort in the back. Sweet potatoes, carrots and watermelon are other recommended anti-inflammatory foods. You may be surprised to learn that caffeine is also sometimes good for treating back pain because of its ability to block a chemical known as adenosine, which often causes back muscles to stiffen and ache.

See a Specialist

If your back pain is extreme and greatly interferes with your quality of life, seeing a specialist may be your best option. Services, like Southwest Florida Neurosurgical and Rehab Associates, are staffed with experts who can recommend treatments to relieve your suffering. These specialists might recommend physical therapy, surgery or certain medications to alleviate the pain. You can also receive ongoing follow-up care that’s intended to prevent future back pain. Even if you don’t need any kind of surgery or dedicated treatment, having a doctor make a plan with you can help you know that you are on the right track. Experts can recommend changes to your diet or your exercise routine that would be the most beneficial to you. Your exact situation is difficult to know from across the world, typing on a computer screen, but a doctor can give you personalized care, if you need.

No one should have to live with nagging back pain. By taking the right measures to prevent or treat back discomfort, you’ll be able to live a freer life with less pain. Following some of the suggestions above, such as doing yoga, taking regular morning walks, eating more fish, sweet potatoes, and carrots, as well as seeing a doctor if you need to, can help relieve your back pain.

Author's Bio: 

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and walks in the park with her three-year-old husky, Snowball.