Have you ever been in a situation where you are nervous and you end up saying stupid things? I suppose we've all been in that position and somehow we aren't really in control in these nervous moments. Often when we are talking to a guy or a girl we really like we get so nervous that words just blurb out and after wards we can't believe that we said that. When it comes to a job interview we have to be so careful. We all get nervous in an interview situation and you simply cannot afford to have the wrong words come out of your mouth.

There are certain things that can make or break a job interview in a second. These are things you need to avoid at all costs. Here are just 3 of them.

1. Never say that you hated your old boss or your old job.

Nobody wants to employ someone who does not get on with their boss or fellow employees. If you go out and tell your prospective employer that, then you immediately become a liability and very few employers will hire someone like that. Its also a reflection of your attitude and nobody wants to bring negativity into their organization.

2. Never say that you are doing it for the money.

While earning money is the main purpose of getting a job, for employers its not about that. You need to see things from their perspective. Always focus on what you can offer them and not on the financial reward that they can offer you. Most employers are looking for people who love their job and who are doing it for the love of it and not just for the financial reward.

3. Never disclose that you got fired.

Even if you got fired from your previous job, never come out and say it. Its much better to come up with a more subtle answer as to why you left your previous job. Being fired from any job spells problems for any new employer and they will probably not even consider you - regardless of the circumstances.

The real important fact is that you always need to approach your job interview with the attitude of what you can give them. Focus on what you can bring to the table and always see things through the eyes of the people interviewing you.

Do you need some great interview techniques and tips? See my blog to read more about the most common job interview questions.

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