There are several mobile CPA Networks. This seems like the most popular and simplest way for people to make money marketing on mobile networks. When you promote CPA offers, you are building someone else’s list.
If you are building your own email list you can get paid over and over again. Here are 3 steps to building your own profitable email list using mobile marketing.
1. Find a Winning Offer- You can test your campaigns on a mobile network, but I have found that quite often a winning offer in one medium, also wins in another.
So if you are on a budget, you can test your campaign by putting your offer on your blog, or using articles to drive traffic to your lead Capture Page.
When you have people opting in to your list consistently every day with free marketing strategies, then you can run a similar campaign with a pay per click strategy.
2. Create a Mobile Optimized Squeeze Page- You can out source this project, but it is relatively expensive.
The option I recommend is using the software that comes with the Mobile Monopoly course. You will also get access to additional training on how to market with mobile when you choose this option.
You will need to use an Aweber auto-responder if you choose this method.
3. Run Your Campaign- Google AdMob is the simplest platform to run your mobile campaign with.
Having lead capture boxes that only ask for an email always convert higher than asking for a first name also. This is especially true with mobile marketing.
It is important to have your auto-responder messages in place before you run your campaign. There is nothing like having a list of hundreds or thousands of people without having your sales funnel in place.
Much Success,

Author's Bio: 

Jeremiah Carstarphen,
Learn how to make money fast in your home business at