Law firms are like any other business in that they need to have a steady stream of business, whether this is repeat business from current clients or business from new clients continuing to come in. If your firm has been around for some time, you are more than likely doing all the right things to bring in new business using traditional marketing and advertising strategies. You probably also at least have a website, though you may not be taking full advantage of the possibilities that the World Wide Web offers to your firm.
Read on for a few ideas to help your firm to get the best results from your website and start getting more business from your practice's online practice.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
SEO, or search engine optimization, refers to a number of different techniques which are designed to make websites easier to find using search engines. Since over 85% of web traffic originates from a search using Google or other major search engines, having as high of a position as possible in search engine results is the name of the game here. It's too complex of a topic to go into detail here, but you may want to either read up on it yourself or consult with a marketing firm that specializes in this sort of work.
Improved Navigation/User Experience:
The design of your website has a great deal of effect on how many of your visitors end up contacting you about representing them in their legal matters. It's about more than the color scheme you use for your firm's website, though that is also a part of the equation. What is more important here is that your site is easy to navigate; if your firm handles more than one type of practice (eg - real estate and bankruptcy), make sure that there are clearly labeled, easy to find links to these areas of your website. The average web user spends 30 seconds or less deciding whether or not to stay on a website, so the easier you make things for them, the more likely they are to stick around and ultimately, to do business with your firm.
Online Intake Forms:
Consider adding intake forms to your website so that potential clients who want to learn more about your services or to have an initial consultation can quickly and easily provide you with some of the relevant details in their case. These forms could be as simple as just having room for client contact information or they can be as complex and detailed as you like; but having these forms available on your site can lead to you gaining clients you otherwise might not have.
If you make it easy for these visitors to get in touch about their case, they are more likely to do so there and then - if they have to wait for your office to open to call you, they may be long gone before they have a chance to contact you by phone. It's all about making your website as easy to find and user friendly as possible, just like your legal services themselves.

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If you're looking for advice about lawyer internet marketing, visit: Main Street ROI