There are many smokers around the world and a great multitude of them are trying to stop smoking. Stopping is one thing but dealing with the effects after you quit smoking is another and many people do not think they can manage it. If you are one of these people take heart because in this article I will highlight some of the good things that happen to you after you stop smoking and some of the bad things. When it comes to the bad things I will give you some sure fire ways in which to deal with these things.

One good thing that happens after you stop smoking is you start to breathe easier. The amount of time this takes to happen varies from person to person and it can take from 1 day to even 3 months before you see this start to take place. It happens because the throat and the airways which were so contaminated with tobacco residuals and chemicals have been cleared. It also happens because a substance called tar which fills up in your lungs when you smoke gets cleared slowly but surely from the lungs making it easier for them to carry oxygen.

Another good thing that happens after you stop smoking is you become more hygienic. Previously, you would probably have had nicotine stained hands and your clothes may also smell of nicotine but once you stop smoking this will be a thing of the past. You can definitely look forward to a more hygienic lifestyle

Another thing positive thing that happens after you stop smoking is your health situation improves. This is a more long term thing but your chances of developing life threatening diseases normally associated with smoking decrease by 50% after quitting smoking.

Some of the bad things that happen to you after you stop smoking include the fact that you start to suffer from nicotine withdrawal symptoms which may include anxiety and depression. This is the one aspect of quitting smoking that makes it very hard to do it using willpower alone. There are many remedies and products you can use to combat this effect.

Another negative aspect of quitting smoking is that of weight gain. This happens because smoking suppresses the appetite making it less likely for you to over eat. After you stop smoking you are likely to eat more and this causes weight gain. There are other products which you can use to combat this effect of quitting smoking too.

The last negative thing that happens after you stop smoking is you start to suffer from insomnia. This can start to affect your work and other aspects of your life but it only happens for a short period of time much like many other negative aspects of quitting smoking.

There are many solutions to these problems and you can read more about these solutions by clicking through to this website on how you can stop smoking and reading the articles there.

Author's Bio: 

The author is committed to helping people who want to stop smoking stop for good. For more information on how you can deal with the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal you should click through to this website on how you can stop smoking.