There are many people who want to stop smoking out there but just cannot find any way to stay smoke-free. Quitting smoking is very difficult and the statistics from the UN also support this because they say that 95% of smokers that quit using only their own willpower and nothing else will not be able to last the whole year without having another smoke. This proves just how hard quitting can be and another scary statistic from the UN says that 50% of people who are smoking today will die due to some smoking related ailment. This means that if you do not stop smoking then you have a good chance of dying earlier than you should be.

One tip I would give to someone who wants to quit smoking is you should make sure that you are not buying any of your own cigarettes. This should ensure that you do not have that many cigarettes in your life to tempt you back into smoking.
Some people would find that they smoke when they are around their friends. If you follow the first rule of never buying your own cigarettes, your friends may give you one or two cigarettes but will eventually realize that you are only out for freebies and will either not smoke around you or will not give you any of their cigarettes. This works to your advantage as you will find that you won’t have as many cigarettes in your life to tempt you again.

Another thing you could very well do to make sure that you minimize your chances of smoking is you should never carry your own cigarettes around with you. This will ensure that when you get the urge to smoke, you do not have cigarettes at your disposal to satisfy the urges. This means that having a stash of cigarettes is a definite no-no. If you have some kind of secret stash then you will definitely use this stash of cigarettes when the going gets tough. Another extension of this tip to stop smoking would be you should get someone to impose a cigarette ban on you. This would mean that this person would ensure you do not have any cigarettes to smoke when you are around them and you also do not buy any cigarettes when you are around them.

Some people may find that these tips are not enough and to these people I suggest that they have a look at my third tip on how you can stop smoking.

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Find out more about the best way to stop smoking by visiting this website on how you can stop smoking