Do you ever feel like you're doing everything right following your diet plan but still not seeing the results you want? This is a common problem that dieters often find themselves in.

Your working hard and working your plan to the letter, but something's just not right. The results you want are coming too slowly or possibly not at all. The question you need answered is why?

The problem isn't your effort or even your motivation. The real issue lies in the kind of foods you're letting into your diet which sabotage your weight loss. It's really not your fault. These foods are sold as low fat foods. It would seem they would be perfect to help you along in your desire to lose the weight. But do they really? These low fat and diet foods are the very culprit that are working against you, preventing you from getting the body you deserve.

What are these foods? Let's look at three of the main problem foods that you can cut out today and get you back on track.

Fat Free Products

Fat Free products were developed as a marketing tool designed to cash in on the weight loss craze. Even the ones that are boldly labeled as diet products can be the most diabolical foods ever devised. But, if the fat has been removed, what is taking it's place? Something must be added to replace the fat content or it would taste awful and therefore wouldn't sell. The answer is clearly, sugar. Vast amounts of sugar are often used as a replacement.

Worse than that, it is more often than not some form of refined sugar. Refined sugar and sugar substitutes can contain what's called "high fructose corn syrup" (hfcs). High fructose Corn Syrup is a chemical process cooked up in a laboratory... This is NOT food. Something as simple as Smucker's Jelly, Jams and Preserves are often considered a low fat food and an all natural product. It even says it's all natural on the label. It's just not so.

The same thing applies to diet sodas, juices and vitamin waters. The chemicals that are added to these drinks have a devastating effect on your metabolism and can completely derail your best efforts. When trying to lose body fat, high doses of sugar and chemicals are as bad, if not worse than the original fat content in most foods. Focusing on natural ingredients allows your body to do a more efficient job of processing it.


Flavored yogurts are a favorite among dieters mostly because of the well known Pro-biotic effects yogurt has on the digestive systems. A healthy gut more efficiently eliminates waste from the body. The problem is not with the yogurt but with the many low fat fruit flavored varieties.

These tend to be only a few ounces in size which can be deceiving, but make no mistake, they are simply mini sugar bombs.

To remedy this, avoid the fat free varieties. All fat free foods contain a number of artificial sweeteners and a boatload of chemicals that will not only prevent weight loss but also have the opposite effect and have you packing on the pounds.

If you are currently eating these three types of foods they could be creating issues and preventing you from reaching your weight loss goals. They will not only prevent you from losing the desired weight but have a devastating effect on your overall health.

If you want to learn the 2 must-eat foods that will boost your metabolism and help reach your weight loss goals, be sure you check out the 3 Week Diet below. This science-based fat loss plan shows the most harmful and helpful foods to quickly help you reach your perfect weight in record time.

For more information visit

Author's Bio: 

Ray Walkocy, has spent over 30 years studying and practicing the "Tao of Nutrition and a Balanced Diet." He highly recommends you take a closer look at the (anchor text) 3WeekDietPlan
for a balanced approach to your goals. It has already helped so many to achieve the weight loss they've been hoping for. See for yourself at: (anchor text) 3WeekDietPlan