2012- Is it the end or the beginning? Our whole world is becoming a mirror. What you wish on someone else will be reflected back to you. Because our so-called “time” is speeding up in frequency your karma will come back faster. The evil you do will be facing you much sooner.

There are people on this planet who wish to stay in their “power.” God permits these negative actions for a time and then the gig is up. We all are being tested. Our deepest fears are coming to smack us in the face. Are they real or just phantoms of thought?

We must be vigilant in our thoughts. Thoughts have always created for us and now we are coming to the place of instant manifestation. Did you say you saw a pink elephant flying? Is that dragon biting his own tail?

There are so many wonders hidden to us all around. The veil between the spirit world and other dimensions is slowly getting very thin. These treasures will be revealed to those who are ready to accept them. Being in the right place of love and forgiveness will open the door to these other perceptions.

Why put down any ones beliefs? Their understanding may be different than yours.
Transformation is levels of understanding.” Why not allow someone his or her beliefs? God Goddess encompasses the whole Universe. It’s a VERY BIG place.

There have been many predictions from many cultures about 2012. Is it a time of destruction or a time of regeneration of the new light that is coming into our world?
Look at the people around you. Most of them are loving and just trying to get through the day with as much grace as possible.

The “powers that were” have their own agenda. We are being “fed” total fear through the “media” outlets. These people have run this planet on war and the destruction of war. We are stepping up in evolution and war will not be permitted on our beautiful planet. When you can bypass this chaos and live in your heart, peace may come to you and yours. Remember the Great Spirit is really in charge here. All IS in Divine Order.

2012 - The #20 in Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) means Everlasting Eternity. The #12 is “Thy will be done. When you add 2-0-1-2 this equals 5. The #5 in JSJ is Regeneration – Putting off the old man and putting on the new. #5 helps us to let go of FEAR.

Let Thy will be done on our beautiful Earth. Let the belief in everlasting eternity become part of all of our lives. Let us let go of fear and put off the old man and put on the new.
Let us all open our minds and hearts to the reality of the divine in each one of us. Get your ideas out of the preverbal “box” and think what if? What if there is a compete unity between us all in Spirit. What if every thing you think about someone else creates an invisible string tying him or her to you? What if enough people want peace in this world and we can ALL be a part of creating it?

It is time to let go of the “puppet masters” of fear and claim our individual and collective divinity. In Spirit we are “ONE.”

©2012 Merry C. Battles

Author's Bio: 

Merry C. Battles is the author and illustrator of "Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26 - January 6" It is her 26 year meditation journey with the 12 holy days of Christmas. Her book can be used all year long as we travel through each sign of the Zodiac. Merry has worked in the Healing Arts since 1977. She has practiced the art of massage, cellulite massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy and foot reflexology. Merry Is a Continuing Education Provider for Florida LMT'S. Her Intro courses in Jin Shin Jyutsu are open to all people.
Merry’s book can be purchased at authorhouse.com and amazon.com.
Autographed copies are available at: www.merrybattles.com also
My Every Day of the Year is Christmas Gift to you at my website, Free Ebook!
Merry has an expert page Walking the Spiritual Path Expert at Self Growth
under Spiritual Growth
Email Merry at: merry@merrybattles.com
©2012 Merry C. Battles