2009 – what will the new year bring? It has been said that the new year and new numbers bring a different vibration. We need all the help we can get! These are trying times and the possibility of fear overtaking our lives. We must remember there is Divine Order in every action of this world. There are no mistakes. We are each receiving and giving what we create in our little lives. Each one of us does make a difference, without us the world would not be complete. The expression of God Goddess comes from within us to bring flowers or bombs to Earth. Our expectations are our creations. Let us create from love and not fear.
The #2 (safety energy lock) in Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) is the number of wisdom. It is located on the hip joints. It helps us to be mobile and is our very own Chiropractor of the body. It is in the area of the “creation” of new life forms. The sacrum is the “sacred” part of our bodies that let us participate in the creation of new life. Holding your ring finger helps #2.
Hold it lightly, and feel for the pulse. (you are feeling the “life force” of the body) All the flows (patterns) for each # go through the hands, so by holding the fingers you can help the whole body. #2 is known as the “life force for all creatures.” It is also known as “Wisdom as seen through the Creator’s Eyes.”
The #9 (safety energy lock) of JSJ is located on the lower scapular or angel wings. It is the number of “the end of a cycle, the beginning of a new cycle.” “Every end is the seed of a new beginning.” #9 erases the past. It stops the progression of any problem we might have. Let this new cycle be one of light and understanding. Holding your thumbs will help #9.
Two plus nine equals eleven. #11 in JSJ is the place of Justice. It is the exhale of the breath, the opportunity to let go of all the “dust, dirt, and greasy grime” of our lives so that we can grow with new possibilities. It is the place of Justice where all actions are metered out with great equality. It is located at the nape of the neck on both sides. It is known as the place for “unloading excess baggage.” We are all in a time of reflecting on and examining our lives. Let this year bring a great healing of all past and present hurts that keep us in unhappiness and disease. Holding the index fingers help #11.
2009 – a year of wisdom and new positive creations. This is our opportunity to let go of excess baggage that may be holding us back from creating our dreams. The year of divine Justice that lets us see the Great Spirit always working in our lives.
Wisdom and Justice will Prevail!
©2008Merry C. Battles
Merry C. Battles is the author and illustrator of "Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26 - January 6" It is her 26 year meditation journey with the 12 holy days of Christmas. Her book can be used all year long as we travel through each sign of the Zodiac. Merry has worked in the Healing Arts since 1977. She has practiced the art of massage, cellulite massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy and foot reflexology.
Merry’s book can be purchased at authorhouse.com and amazon.com.
Autographed copies are available at: www.merrybattles.com also
My Every Day of the Year is Christmas Gift to you at my website, Free Ebook!
Email Merry at: merry@merrybattles.com
©2008Merry C. Battles
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