It is a known fact that there are hundreds of thousands of individuals who die of diseases which are directly linked to cigarette smoking. This is the major reason why those who smoke heavily should seriously consider quitting the habit while they still have time. Smokers respond differently to various smoking cessation methods. If you are struggling with this harmful habit then you should include in your shortlist of ways to stop smoking the following techniques.

Smoking Cessation through Cold Turkey Method

This is probably the oldest and most straightforward way to quit smoking – you simply stop the smoking habit. Over the years, there are a lot of people who were able to stop smoking through this method. The success of this method is anchored on the willpower and readiness of the individual to kick the back habit of smoking.

The key advantage of cold turkey method is that an individual is able to get over the most serious withdrawal symptoms in just 3 days. However, the psychological aspect of the dependence to cigarette will take a longer time to overcome. Nonetheless, it would be much easier to manage and control the habit once the physical cravings are reduced. Aside from these advantages, cold turkey is relatively a less expensive way of quitting smoking.

The major downside of cold turkey is the heightened withdrawal symptoms that will be experienced by the individual who will try to quit smoking through this method. In most cases, a smoker will experience tension, anxiety and nervousness as a result of the abrupt cessation of smoking.

Smoking Cessation through Nicotine Replacement Method

Nicotine replacement comes as a perfect alternative to cold turkey as it addresses the major challenges that one experiences with the latter. This method is anchored on the gradual cessation of cigarette smoking. The body is slowly weaned from the harmful habit with the use of nicotine patch or nicotine gum.

Of course, the main advantage of this technique is that a person attempting to quit smoking will not experience the heightened withdrawal symptoms that are normally associated with the cold turkey method. A smoker slowly conditions his or her body with the gradual removal of nicotine from the body system. This is done through the replacement of nicotine derived from cigarettes with nicotine patch or nicotine gum. This method also requires the individual to modify his or her daily routine and avoid those conditions that tend to draw him or her back to smoking.

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Read on and Learn of the tried and tested ways to stop smoking Get the latest information from the latest Smoke Deter Reviews and determine your best options when it comes to smoking cessation.