Gout is a disorder that results when uric acid (monosodium urate) levels soar in the body. High levels of uric acid lead to uric acid crystallization or formation of tiny crystals that collect as lumps in the lining of joints. Abnormal metabolism of monosodium urate leads to the building up of uric acid in body. Gout or excess uric acid in body may result in gouty arthritis which is highly painful and is characterized by inflamed and deformed joints. The inflammation at the joints occurs due to certain chemical released when white blood cells accumulate around or surround the monosodium urate crystals. Men aged 40 or above generally come in to the clutches of gout. Also decreased kidney function, tophi or local deposits of uric acid in the skin and kidney stones may be an outcome of gout.

Gout may be primary or secondary. Primary gout occurs as an individual disorder. Secondary gout occurs under the impact of other medical conditions or medications. Gout occurs due to two basic causes: over production of monosodium urate and insufficient elimination of uric acid through urine. Heredity, obesity, excessive dependence on alcohol, indulging in diet consisting of red meat and oily fish, trauma, starvation, dehydration, nose and throat disease, any surgery, treatment like chemotherapy are factors promoting gout. Certain medications like aspirin, allopurinol and probene acid, nicotinic acid, diuretic and hypertensive medicines may cause gout. In men uric acid levels rise at puberty and in women, during menopause. Therefore men may develop gout at quite an early age when compared to women.

Symptoms of Gout

1. Acute pain
2. Redness of skin
3. Swollen joints
4. Feeling of pressure at the joints
5. Tender and warm gouty lumps
6. Late night or early morning pain at the knee, toe or ankle
7. Fever
8. Loss of appetite
9. Loss of sleep
10. Pain persisting for 7-10 days.

Home Remedies for Gout

1. Consuming 3-4 garlic seeds a day can yield beneficial results in case of gout.

2. 10-12 cherries should be taken every day to get relief from gout.

3. One may take one teaspoon honey, mix it with 3-4 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, further add the mixture to a glass of water and stir well. Sipping the solution all through the day would effectively treat gout.

4. More and more grapes should be consumed because grapes eliminate the toxicity in uric acid.

5. 3-4 bananas may be taken daily. It reacts with the chemicals in monosodium urate, dissolves the crystals and expels them from the system.

6. Lemon juice is very effective in treating gout. It is rich in Vitamin C and is empowered to dissolve gouty deposits.

7. Juice of French beans can give immediate relief from pain and inflammation due to gout.

8. One may prepare a paste by mixing one part mustard powder and one part wheat powder, and apply the paste on aching areas and leave overnight to get relief from pain.

9. Soaking aching regions in Epsom salt mixed water would release the heat and give some relief.

10. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily is a simple home remedy for gout. This water therapy would wash away or flush out uric acid, thereby reducing its levels.

11. One may soak a flannel cloth in warm castor oil, place it on aching joints, and apply heat pad. This would give much relief from pain.

12. Alfalfa is highly beneficial for gout. It brings down the level of serum uric acid drastically.

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