People who want to lose weight will do anything to get rid of those unwanted flab. You may have tried several diet plans and know what works for your lifestyle. A lot of people have tried the cabbage soup diet which is known to drop people¡¯s weights by as much as ten pounds in seven days.

Here are some vital improvements to the cabbage soup diet:

1. When you cook up the cabbage soup, vary the taste according to your taste. Versions of the recipe are available all over the internet. It takes only a few clicks to make the recipe more exciting.

2. Take 12 to 16 glasses of water each day during the week you follow the cabbage soup plan. Water has been proven effective in flushing out fat from our system. It will also prevent dehydration.

3. Have a multivitamin as part of your routine. This will ensure that you are getting nutrition that you may lack during this period. Lack of vitamins and minerals will affect the functions of the body mentally and physically. The multivitamin will also help in your body¡¯s fight against the unwanted fat.

4. Supplement your diet with a glass of protein shake in the morning and in the evening. The protein intake will ascertain that you are losing fat and not muscle mass. Losing both means you will look slimmer but smaller muscles also means less strength.

5. Carry a thermos of cabbage soup to help you when you are away from home. Remember that you can take in as much cabbage soup as you want together with the specific vegetables, fruits, meat, and drinks. The cabbage soup serves as your filler so you will not have the feeling of hunger or starvation.

6. Sticking to this diet plan also requires you to keep your metabolism up. It is advisable to engage in a thirty to forty five minute cardio exercise. The regimen will ensure that during the regimen you will still be burning any extra calories.

7. Keep a large amount of cabbage soup in your refrigerator, the more cabbage soup you take in, the better the fat burning process will be. The cabbage will also boost your immune system and improve your digestion.

8. Stop the diet after seven days. The cabbage soup diet requires one to follow strictly the food specifics of the plan. It is also a seven day program which focuses on low calorie intake. Going beyond seven days might have adverse effects on your system.

9. Switch to a long term diet plan after you complete the week long cabbage soup diet. A week of cabbage soup will do the quick fix and help you lose around ten pounds fast. After that it is wise to follow a long term plan which does not focus on low calories since you will need them to function on a day to day basis. Long term low calories might lead to head ache and body weakness.

10. Try adding a squeeze of lemon to your glass of water. This will increase your metabolism further. If you are not into citrus, try some other fruits or herbal tea which also helps on losing weight.

The cabbage soup diet is not recommended to be followed by children and adolescents. Before starting with any diet plans, it is wise to consult a medical professional so you can be properly guided.

Author's Bio: 

Author is an online medical searcher and webmaster of Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe. You may be interested in: "Cruciferous Cabbage Can Kill Cancer Cells" and "Cabbage Cultivation".