For those of you who tend to use only your logical mind to create wealth, you may want to sit down. Here are a few rules of prosperity that guarantee results.

Truly know what you want. Then put your request out for others to hear.
If you can formulate the question, you WILL get an answer.

Focus on what you DO want, rather than what you DON'T want. It's
habitual for most of us to go to the negative "what if's." What if I lose my money on this deal, what if I fail, what if I can't afford it and 1000 other thoughts that give us heartache!

Expect to have abundance. Wishing, hoping, affirmations and prayers don't work unless you believe that what you want is coming to you.
Expecting means you KNOW it's going to happen, even when there is no proof. What kinds of decisions, actions and risks would you make if you KNEW you would have positive results?

Only take actions that you are inspired to do. If you try to do all the things that you've read about that you are SUPPOSED to do or the stuff that your parents told you should do, you'd feel a weight on your shoulders. What do you want to do? If it feels irresponsible to only do what you want, consider a different perspective. It is YOUR responsibility to make yourself happy. When you are in the flow of joy, everything you attract will please you.

It is your job to mind your business. Your business is knowing what is and what isn't making you happy about the investments, partnerships, jobs and tasks you are involved in. If it's not giving you what you want, change it now. Get a different financial advisor, change jobs, or talk with your partner. If you keep doing it the same way, you'll always get the same results, no matter if they make you glad or sad.

Listen to your inner guidance. Anytime a deal, situation or person has
gone sour; you knew something wasn't right. Think about it. You can
look back and at some point you had a feeling (even if just for a split
second) that you didn't listen to. Listen to your gut, it will never fail you.

Know the difference between your intuition and your "gremlin voice."
Your intuition gives you simple and short messages. Your negative self- talk usually sounds like a parent nagging, someone playing devil's advocate or the biggest fraidy cat. A gremlin will say things like, "This investment is too good to be true" or "I don't know how" or "I better play it safe than sorry." Your gut just tells you if something feels good or bad.

It takes the same amount of effort to create $1,000,000 as it takes to create $1,000. If you knew you could create a million a week, you could.
It is the same process to manifest any dollar amount. You desire it, you decide you're going to have it, you take an inspired action, you believe, it shows up.

You can have abundant prosperity, now. It truly does not matter what you have created in your past. Abundance is available to everyone in the same amounts. Do you believe that? Whether you do or don't is the very reason why you have prosperity at the level you desire or not.

Trusting yourself is the biggest key to creating the wealth, prosperity and
well-being you desire. You don't have to know all the details, how-to's or
information about the topic you are pondering or engaged in. You do have to know that you will make the perfect choices for you, in perfect timing, with the perfect people and you have an inner guide who will always lead you down the perfect path. No kidding!

If you focused on practicing one of these truths each week, your life would be transformed. There's no effort in doing this. Create a couple of notes around the house, work and your car to remind you. Tell a few friends to give you a nudge if they catch you talking or acting from a place of lack or playing it safe. Now you're set. I KNOW you will love receiving the wealth that you are sooooooo capable of allowing!

Author's Bio: 

Jeanna Gabellini is the Xtreme Abundance Coach. She'll give you all the tools you need to create financial wealth and prosperity with her personal coaching, tele-courses and audio products. Jeanna blends strategy, Laws of attraction and FUN to assist you in creating exactly what you want. Are you ready for Extreme Abundance? Go to to get your free ezine or call
707-747-0447 for more info.