Are you at risk for a heart attack? Studies show that 50% of people who have heart attacks do not have high cholesterol. Studies also show that emotional stresses can increase heart attack risk. So here are 10 stress-busting tips that, along with a heart-healthy diet and proper exercise, can help you live a longer, happier life.

1) Fight procrastination: Many of us have the sense that we’re under constant pressure, even overwhelmed, due to lack of sufficient time to complete everyday tasks. And that’s usually because we don’t have enough time to get ourselves organized at home, or at work it causes more stress - and the prospect of doing so seems overwhelming on its own.

2) Drink lots of water: Those recommended 8-10 glasses of water a day don’t just keep weight off! Your body is able to flush out toxins more often when it is properly hydrated and toxins add stress to your body.

3) Take a breather (Part One): Whenever stress causes your chest to tighten and your heart to pound, a vicious cycle results. Your breathing becomes shallower and result is less oxygen in your system. If you are feeling stressed, stop and take three deep, slow breaths…in through the nose and out through the mouth. The influx of oxygen will have an immediate calming effect on your system.

4) Take a breather (Part Two): Once your heart slows down, try this relaxing breathing pattern, courtesy of the Univ. of Ill. McKinley Healthy Center. Slow down your breathing to a 10 second cycle – six breaths a minute. Inhale for 5 seconds, and then exhale for five seconds. Do this for 2 – 5 minutes or until your pace slows down. You will feel the stress slipping away.

5) Take a breather (Part Three): Set aside some time at the end of a stressful day to decompress. Take a bath, do some light reading, play music – whatever makes you feel more relaxed. You’ll banish those stress chemicals and feel more energized, yet calm, the next morning.

6) Get some fresh air: Even if you live in the city, 10 minutes worth of strolling outside at least once a day does wonders for relieving stress.

7) Don’t bottle it up: A friend (or better yet, friends) with a sympathetic ear can be just what you need when you need to unload a little stress. If you can afford it, a professional ear can be the best option of all. You don’t have to be independently wealthy to see a professional counselor. Many of them charge reasonable fees on a sliding scale and can be referred by your local mental health canter.

8) Catch all your Z’s: 7-8 hours of sleep per night – no more or less- helps lower stress levels, yet it seems that sleep is one of the first things to go when you are overscheduled. Make the effort to get your 7 – 8 hours and your heart will thank you for it.

9) Watch your intake of alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and sugar: These quick-fix substances give us an artificial (and brief) lift, and then they send us crashing down. As a result, they increase stress symptoms.

10) Try yoga: It is not just a new yuppie trend. Even one yoga class can decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol, according to research from Thomas Jefferson Univ. in Philadelphia.

Author's Bio: 

Deborah Mumm has been helping people with their seasonal allergies since 1996. She enjoys finding alternative methods for health issues so medications don't have to be used. To get your FREE report on The Seven Steps towards an Allergy Free Home...just go to