This is really one of the most common screw-up of all! People either don’t know what it is they want, or they ask using vague and fussy terms - like “more money” or “a new car” or “my soul mate”. After all, if you don’t know where you want to go it’s a sure bet you’ll get there!!

So does that mean you have to know if full detail what it is you want before you can manifest it?

Of course it’s always better if you can know as many details as possible about what you intend to attract because the thought is that you would be feeling really good when you think about those desires. But it doesn’t always work out that way and that’s where people get in trouble. One of the reasons people tend to be vague is because deep down they can’t imagine that they will get what they really want and it’s that “wishy-washy” vibration that keeps their desires at arms length. Here’s an example:

Let’s say that what you want is a new 80k luxury car. So you get a clear picture of this car, you put pictures of this car on your vision board, and maybe you even go down to the dealership and take one out for a drive. But what happens for many people is that while they’re doing all of these things they’re feeling worried instead of good because they can’t see how they are going to make it happen. When you shift your focus from what you desire to what you believe is possible you’re no longer vibrating with clear intention. Your message to the Universe is “Here I am sitting in this car and it doesn’t feel good”.

It doesn’t matter how clear you are about what you want if when you think about it you don’t feel good about it. Remember, we are attracting vibrationally and it is our emotions that determine how we are vibrating. So what we could say is it’s our wishy-washy feelings about what we want that is screwing up the Law of Attraction!

So how do you get your vision and intentions and your feelings into alignment?
It’s quite easy if you’re willing to start where you are right now and a willingness to stretch your vision as you expand!

First get the clearest picture you can get of what you want and make sure that when you’re thinking of it you’re feeling good about it. Don’t worry that you’re not asking big enough right now – your asking will soon grow in proportion to your beliefs about what is possible. As you grow in your belief that it’s possible to have what you desire and you couple that with how wonderful it feels to be, have, or do at that level you’ll find that you’re attracting it so quickly you’ll think you’re magical. As your belief grows you’ll expand your visions and now those visions will be clearer and feel better. When your visions and your feelings are in alignment you’ll be sending out clear messages a you’ll soon be a “creating mo’chine!”

Author's Bio: 

Mary Ayer, PhD, LMFT is a therapist and an Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner. EFT rapidly and painlessly releases the negative emotions that keep us from living the lives were are meant to have. To learn more go to