10 Ways To Market Your Online Business for Expansion

By Daryl Des Marais

How do you gain more customers online?

How do you get more people to find your website?

What, When, Where and with who should you advertise online?

There are so many ways to promote your site and market your business online we could not possibly list them all but will go over various promotional tools to gain your website exposure.

1. Web Meta Tags- These are important in promoting your site with web crawlers and getting your web description listing higher in the ranking. There are various companies that can help you with this online from a consulting basis or there are sites with free or pay per use tools to help suggest ways to improve your meta tags and make them more defined to your niche and target market.

2. Website Listing Promotion- Website listing with search engine sites are numerous and can be free or blasted to all for a small cost. The more listings and the search engines with more traffic are more expensive. You can also list your website with other groups, forums or newsletter sources.

3. Twitter Usage- Twitter can be a useful tool to promote your online business and build a group of followers, to find people interested in your cause and share common notes and messages. This can be used in a variety of ways and it is best to search the site for promotional and usage tips.

4. Facebook Usage- Facebook usage for business has become more popular and the goal is to provide a service or product to a like group of people. There can be varying ways and costs to do this depending on your budget.

5. Cross Marketing with other Websites- This may be less costly and if you know other sites that have complimentary products or may have an advantage to linking with or promoting ads with each other than you should contact the webmaster to inquire about cross-marketing.

6. Press Releases- Press releases can be a good way to get information out about your business, information should be new and relevant to current media or topics if possible.

7. Forums and Chat Sites- If you are looking to get feedback, to build a group or find out more opinionated information a chat site of forum may be the best way to market your online business but be wary of the challenges and control of information and consensus as well.

8. Google and other website Advertising- Probably a very effective way to reach large numbers of online people but can be costly depending on your keywords and amount of advertising. Be effective first, set out a budget and try to determine how much future profit payback you are going to get from doing this.

9. Links- One of the easiest ways to promote your website is linking with other websites. This can be effective if done properly in expanding ways to get to your website. Through this you can connect with more web channels and groups but don't get lost in trying to link to everyone especially if it is not relevant or beneficial.

10. Mobile Promotional Marketing- This is the most recent in marketing your online business, through ways of promotion through mobile phone ads and email marketing campaigns and contest phone messages. This will continue to grow with other marketing tools in the future.

We hope these 10 ways to market your online business has been helpful and invite you to visit our site to find out more resources in growing your online business.

Author's Bio: 

Daryl Des Marais is a business growth marketing specialist that is a partner with http://www.usabusinessgrowth.com a FREE Online Resource for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners.
He has helped several business owners in restaurants, retail, hospitality and service businesses expand their businesses that entrepreneurs enjoy and works with select clients.