What to do when moving places? Well, as per professional Eastern Suburbs removals, you should change several things when moving out of your old location. Relocation is all about changes. From changing surroundings, lifestyle to changing opportunities.

But these aren’t the only things you’ve to change when moving. There’re many other things that you’ve to change yourself.

Let’s explore more about that in the below article.

What things you should change when moving out of your old location

Well, they’re the following,

1. Locks and keys.

i)  The locks and keys of your new place should be among the first few things that you should change when moving places.

ii) Ensure that only you and your family members have access to your home. You’d never know who may have copies of the old keys.

iii) Alongside that, you should also change the security system of your entire place. Install a burglar alarm, video camera, smoke detectors and exterior lights for extra security.

2. Address.

i) One of the first few things you should change during your move is your postal address.

ii) Experts recommend changing your postal address at least 2 weeks before you relocate. It’ll ensure that your request is processed by the time you move.

iii) Alongside the post office, ensure to update your address to all the people and institutions you’re a part of.

3. Driver’s license and car registration.

i) Another thing you must change when moving places is your car registration and driver’s license.

ii) It’s a must to update your new address with DoT (Department of Transport) when moving locally.

iii) But when you’re moving interstate, you should get a local driver’s license and re-register the car in the new state.

4. School.

i) If you’ve got kids of school-going age, then you must change their schools when moving places.

ii) Changing schools may seem hard for kids, especially for teens. Thus, you should be patient to find a reliable educational institution in your new location.

iii) Ensure to collect the TC (Transfer Certificate) from the current school of your kid/s before moving out.

5. Job.

i) Most people change houses when they find new jobs in another city. If you’re also among them, that means your job will eventually change when you move.

ii) But if you’re moving out for another reason, you must think of changing your job. You can also opt for remote working, depending on the distance between your office and the new place.

6. Voter registration.

i) Besides updating your address in the post office and other government offices, you should also change your voter registration as well.

ii) If you want to vote in the next local, state and federal elections in your new area, you must register your new address at the electoral commission of your new location.

7. Utilities.

i) Since you’ll need all the utilities (electricity, water, internet, cable TV, etc) in the new place, you must change them when moving places.

ii) If you’re moving within the same locality, you should just transfer the utilities to your new location.

iii) If you’re moving interstate, you should look for new service providers for the utilities and cancel the current ones.

8. Healthcare providers.

i) You should prioritise healthcare when moving places unless you’ve only moved across the town.

ii) You’ll need to change your healthcare provider and look for a new doctor for your health checkup.

9. Insurance policies.

i) Though it’s obvious to change your renter’s or homeowner’s insurance when moving out, you should also change your auto and health insurance.

10. Bank.

i) Moving houses doesn’t necessarily need to change the bank, but it can be better to do so.

ii) It’d be great to move your bank account to your local branch for easy access and support.

Are you planning to move out soon? Hiring professional Eastern Suburbs removals can help you with that. All you’ll have to do is ensure that they’re the right ones.

Author's Bio: 

Author Bio: The Author runs a team of professional Eastern Suburbs removals. For years, he’s helped many people to relocate across Australia. He’s also written many blogs and articles on the same.