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IQ Exam IQ Testwww.iqexam.org conducts free accurate IQ test bests. We conduct free quality and accurate online IQ tests free and you get our certificate with your real IQ score developed by Virginia tech experts. You have to answer 32 questions in 60 seconds each Views: 3163
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Sex Positions Guide101 Sex Positions that enhance intimacy, orgasms and your erotic pleasure. Views: 3087
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Human MemoryThis site is developed by the University of Amsterdam and contains a Memory Improvement Course and a memory test called Daily News Memory Test. Views: 2895
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Emotional Intelligence InstituteEmotional Intelligence- A non-profit organization offering a on-line dynamic training program. It provides FREE lessons to help those interested become more self-aware and improve their EQ. Rich with valuable knowledge and helpful activities. Views: 2845
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AssertivenessAssertiveness Training - This site outlines a practical approach Saying No. Without actually using the word you can develop the ability to resist or sidestep being manovered into doing something you really don't want to do. Views: 2834
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A Way To End Fear Of Public SpeakingScientifically proven program for eliminating the fear of public speaking in just 5 short hours. Views: 2706
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Inspirational Words of WisdomAn inspirational collection of words of wisdom in the form of quotes, stories, poems, proverbs, thoughts, and more. We also offer a free monthly motivational quote calendar. Views: 2576
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Use Affirmations to Bring About Positive ChangeHow do you use Affirmations to attract the things that you want into your life? How do you use them to change your life? It's more than just saying a few nice words once a day... Views: 2488
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Practicing Personal Accountability at Work and at HomePersonal accountability is key to success in both our professional and personal lives. When we start asking better questions of ourselves and stop blaming others amazing things begin to happen. Unlease the power of personal accountability today! Views: 2391
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The Intimate Couple We help couples have better sex. Improving your marriage and improving your sex life go hand in hand. Views: 2369
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Kids Uplifting Self-Esteem Poster / PoemKids Hello World Poster Builds Self-Esteem and Boosts Self Worth. Inspirational, uplifting, empowering poster and poem helps kids and teens feel great about themselves. The Hello World poem helps kids and teens remember the amazing, incredible beings they are. Views: 2303
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Creative Affirmations: Create the Life You ChooseCreate powerful affirmations that get results. Topics include: writing affirmations, affirmation tips, visualization, gratitude, law of attraction and mind power. Free affirmations for wealth, weight loss, relationships, stress and a number of other topics are provided. Views: 2199
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Eliminate AngerEliminate anger and calm your mind. Free 5-lesson ecourse. Views: 2149
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Absorb information faster using 80+ memory techniquesMemletics is a new accelerated learning system that helps you learn faster and remember more. A technique selection matrix helps you choose the right techniques. No hype, no silver bullets, just in-depth material that will help you train your memory. Views: 2117
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Self-Esteem Playbook: Uplifting and Proven Exercises to Build & Sustain High Self-EsteemThis resource-packed guide is full of workshop-proven fun exercises that easily help you build & sustain high self-esteem. Increase your self-esteem on all levels: mentally, emotionally and physically. Currently available with download bonuses to further support you as you release emotional baggage and own your brilliance! Views: 2102
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DieticleDiet & Nutrition Health Center Views: 2098
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Building Blocks of Positive ThinkingThe use of basic building blocks to create positive thinking. FREE exercises, gifts, and much more await you. Views: 2079
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