No matter what kind of business you are in, there is no better way to become an instant expert than by publishing a book. Better than any business card, brochure, advertisement, website or blog, a book is a powerful tool that will open doors and lead to tremendous business growth opportunities.

Think about it from the consumer point of view. Let’s say that you want to hire a personal trainer. You interview a trainer with typical credentials. He’s friendly, says the right things, and his price is just right.

You interview a second trainer. He is also friendly and says the right things. At the end of your meeting he hands you a copy of his book “The Healthy, Wealthy and Happy for Life Program.” He even autographs it for you.

Who are you most likely going to hire? (Did I mention that the author’s rate is also higher than his competitor?)

Still not convinced? Here are 14 reasons why business owners who are authors have the leading edge:

1. Increased Credibility
Writing a book demonstrates your expertise in your subject matter. It is a form of mastery that can elevate your status in the eyes of your potential clients, peers, the media, and many other key contacts. The potential is truly unlimited.

2. Sharpen Your Competitive Edge
Just as in the example above, there is nothing like a book to impress prospects and close deals. Give away books like you hand out business cards and your business is sure to grow.

3. Earn Higher Fees
If you are a service provider, such as a consultant, coach, graphic artist, doctor, therapist, financial advisor or other service professional, your book gives you a license to charge higher rates. It all comes back to that credibility factor. You are not just an average expert in your field, you are a published expert. Of course your rates are higher than everyone else.

4. Capture Hard-to-Get Appointments
Want to speak with the CEO, head of Human Resources, a political leader or some other unreachable contact? Send them a copy of your book along with a personal note. Odds are much better that your next call will go through. “This is Annie Author calling...”

5. Generate Referrals
Several years ago, a family law attorney sent copies of her book to marriage therapists all over town. Since therapists were often talking to her potential clients, she took a chance that the book might make an impression. Her practice quickly became the largest of its kind in her city.

6. Capture Media Attention
Open any newspaper or magazine and notice how each article includes quotes and advice from experts. Most often, these quotes come from authors. Tune in to any talk radio show, The Today Show, or even your local news programs. Authors are constantly in the spotlight. In fact, media professionals from print, radio and television frequently search for authors of books related to their needed subject matter.

7. Stand Out at Trade Shows
Your typical trade show booth won’t be ordinary once you showcase your book and your work as an author. Prospects and potential alliance partners will be eager to meet the author.

8. Get Known Online
If you want to develop celebrity status and build a following of fans, there is no faster or more effective way to do that then by showcasing your author platform online. Share tips and resources through your website, blog and social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. Host teleseminars and promote videos on YouTube. The Internet is an ideal place to capitalize on your author status and reach a global audience.

9. Generate Passive Income
As you become known online and build a following of loyal readers, adding information products such as ebooks, special reports and teleseminars can generate passive income—money you make while you sleep. Information products are quicker and easier to produce than a book, and they perfectly compliment your efforts as an author.

10. Develop Programs that Support Your Book
If you don’t already have programs that support the theories in your book, you will want to have them available. Whether you ask them to or not, readers will call, write and send e-mail inquiring about how to implement the strategies in your book. Consider developing coaching programs, training packages and various products and services that compliment your subject matter.

11. Build a Team Around Your Brand
You can use your book as the foundation to teach others your system for doing what you do. You could develop your own certification program and recruit agents who deliver services under your brand, while they also promote your book and generate revenue for your business. For examples, check out Jay Conrad Levinson’s Guerrilla Marketing Master Training program (, Jim Horan’s Consulting Team ( or Michael Port’s Book Yourself Solid Certified Coach program (

12. Schedule Speaking Engagements
Commanding the attention of a room is a phenomenal way to grow your business. Authors are often invited to speak at trade association meetings, the local Chamber of Commerce, non-profit organizations, corporate functions, conferences and events. Once you have captivated an audience, wrap up your presentation with a special offer for consulting services, training programs or other package offering. Also, be sure to sell and autograph copies at the back of the room.

13. Become an Instructor
Authors are welcomed as instructors at adult learning programs like the Learning Annex and many colleges. The organizations will promote your classes through their catalogs and direct mail campaigns and that publicity can bring tremendous exposure and new business opportunities.

14. Hold Your Own Events
Authors like Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki and countless others leverage their notoriety and experience to host their own revenue-generating events and workshops. Events can range from half-day meetings in a rented office space to week-long events at a hotel or even on a cruise ship.

The sky is truly the limit when it comes to leveraging your own book to grow your business. If you have ever considered putting your thoughts on paper, stop thinking and start writing. The sooner you get started, the sooner you can reap the rewards. Publishing a book is one of the quickest and easiest ways to build the business of your dreams. It is up to you to harness the power and make your dreams a reality.

Author's Bio: 

Stephanie Chandler is an author of several business and marketing books including:

From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks and Information Products (John Wiley & Sons)

The Author’s Guide to Building an Online Platform: Leveraging the Internet to Sell More Books (Quill Driver)

The Business Startup Checklist and Planning Guide (Aventine)

LEAP! 101 Ways to Grow Your Business (Career Press, coming fall 2009)

As a small business marketing expert, Stephanie has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Business Week,, MORE Magazine and many other media outlets. She is also the founder and CEO of, a custom book publishing service specializing in business, self-help and non-fiction books.

Visit her sites:

Authority Publishing -Custom Book Publishing & Author Marketing

Stephanie - Author & Speaker Information, Small Business Growth, Online Marketing, Publishing

Business Info Guide – Free Resources for Entrepreneurs

Small Business Growth Strategies Blog

Entrepreneur-Authors Group on Facebook