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In Search Of GlitterA place for women who have played small for too long and are ready to make big changes to create a life that sparkles Views: 1
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Jenniferstyers.comPersonal Development Coach, Love and Relationships Coach, Peak Performance Coach.. Views: 1
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Jessica BakerJessica Baker is an Equine Empowerment Coach, Healer and Lifetime Horsewoman, she helps women and youth to reconnect and remember their true self through the teachings of the horse. She provides workshops, retreats, individual & group coaching and healing experiences with horses. Learn more at Jess-Baker.com Views: 1
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Law of Attraction EventsExceptional Live Events coming to you featuring such experts as Jack Canfield, Howard Martin of HeartMath and Jewels Johnson. Sponsored by Law of Attraction Radio Network. Views: 1
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Mindbodyhealingarts.comA description of the interaction of mind on body, and body on mind and how I use this understanding to create wholeness. Views: 1
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Miracle LivingLearn how to live life as if it were a miracle. Dance with the Divine and transform yourself and your world view. Views: 1
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Mother Connie SezMother Connie Sez is a soft place to fall, where we discuss alternative approaches to health and healing and tools for achieving personal peace. Views: 1
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Path to Power CoachingPath to Power advertises my services as a life coach and NLP Practitioner Views: 1
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Radicaltruth.com.auDedicated to helping you find the truth of yourself through the inquiry process of Byron Katie and Emotional Freedom Technique with inspiration from the teachings of David R Hawkins and A Course in Miracles. Views: 1
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Seasoned with SaltRelationship advice, suggestions and recommendations from a biblical perspective. Views: 1
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Spiritual Broadcasting NetworkInternet Video/Audio Broadcasting company bring you the many diverse voices of global transformation... Views: 1
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SymbiosisWellnessI provide holistic health and wellness coaching to women in person or via telephone. Views: 1
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The Heart ShamanGet un-stuck FAST. Experience the healing energies of experienced Energy Healer, Shamam, Shamanic Coach, NLP / EFT Practitioner Maya Mendoza. Overcome your fears. Effortlessly release trauma. Benefit from a unique Relationship Clearing & Optimising process, including Energetic Divorce & Karmic Release. Views: 1
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The Midwest Relationship Center, LLCThe Midwest Relationship Center is a center for relationship counseling, workshops and professional development and training in Imago Relationship Therapy and Counseling. Views: 1
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Thewellnessaudioshop.co.ukAudio-guided help,meditations and relaxations from the U.K.'s Number One provider of downloadable audio. Guaranteed to help you release fear, tension and anxiety and develop new, empowering skills, so that you can live your best life. Views: 1
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Tuning in with BetsyClairvoyant medium, author, Betsy Balega interviews authors, healers, celebrities, predictions and open lines throughout the year. Call 646-915-9574 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 646-915-9574 end_of_the_skype_highlighting during the show to join in and share your experiences and ask questions. Views: 1
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Unchain the Pain: How to be Your Own TherapistUnchain the Pain: How to be Your Own Therapist is the first book that teaches readers how to ask their own emotional pain questions; as a therapist would. Views: 1
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Well WithinWorkshops by Being Well Within provide the tools you need to live a more empowered and fulfilled life. Through these programs individuals will learn strategies to eliminate the negative effects of stress. Help for when life throws you curves is right here. Views: 1
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Wise ViewsAbout Jonathan Quail's Integral Interview Series Views: 1
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