Richard Fenton is the co-author of Go for No! currently a top ten book on the Amazon "Sales & Selling" List.
The Greatest Success Strategy in the World keynote presentation... learn to overcome fears of failure, rejection, and learn to love the word "no!" When you realize that Yes is the destination, but No is how you get there... you can be unstoppable!
Reprogram the way you think about No! What if you could achieve every quota… hit every income goal… and reach every personal dream… simply by changing the way you think, feel, and respond to hearing the word NO? Well, you can. Go for No! is considered to be the most effective personal development program ever created for turning the negative effects of failure and rejection into a powerful positive in your sales career.
We recommend that you read the book, "Go for No!" the book that "started it all." Only 80 pages, your outlook about failure, rejection, and the word "No!" will be changed forever.
Courage Crafters, Inc.
The Ultimate Strategy for Failing Your Way to Success!
Phone: 800-290-5028, 866-GO-FOR-NO