I was initiated into colon cleansing and parasite removal, at a young age by my late maternal grandfather. I suppose the seeds for cleansing was sown then.
The fascination for cleanse bloomed in adulthood, with colon cleanse and weight-loss cleanse.
I am not an authority in this field, mind you, however I have gained wisdom through exploration and experience.
I have a Biology and Chemistry degree and an Education diploma, and taught in schools.
Ultimately I pursued my interest from childhood, of wanting to know "who I am." I set off on a voyage of self-discovery where I did many courses and energy healing.
Then I set off on another journey to know who God was and went in pursuit of the Avatar of the Age.
Now, I am happy and at peace. I am contented, and am ready to give back to the world, some of the knowledge that I have.
The Universe knows best and I was guided to create ultracleanseguide.com on physical body cleansing although I wanted to focus on the mind. Who knows what it will evolve to?
Anyway, a healthy and fit body is important for anything that we want to do in life.