Carole Noxon, a physicist who decided to become a stay-at-home mom, began looking for opportunities to allow her to keep her mind sharp while also working from home. What she discovered, was the Off-Exchange Foreign Currency Market, better known as the forex.
Excited by the possibilities of this new market which was just opening up to consumer traders after being exclusively in the domain of major banks, she sought out the education from one of just a few places offering this in the early days. In the following decade, she dedicated herself to becoming an expert in the field.
Varying between the highest highs and the lowest lows as a trader, she realized, even after years of study, that this market was not for everyone and had a very steep learning curve. The question came to be: How can the ordinary person participate in this market without dedicating years of study?
Many products and services were available promising high returns, but rarely were they reliable and consistent over the long term. Finally, through much due diligence, Carole found what she was after with a system that was completely automated and produced consistent, long term results.
She dedicated herself to bringing this system to the thousands of people who have been devastated by recent events in the financial market; to bring them hope for putting their financial plans back on track.
Her passion became Profits to Passion.