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Inner Light TeachingsBeth Lynch is devoted teacher & student of metaphysical teachings.Her site is a place to receive Spiritual insight & healing. She shares inspiration from experiences in channeling. She is founder of Inner Light Awareness Program. As well as devoted to helping children connect to the light within. Views: 21
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The Guide WithinLearn to hear you own unique inner Spiritual voice. Get all the answers you seek. Schedule a spiritual counseling session for individual guidance from Spirit. Views: 21
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Australia & NZ Psychic Readings Talks2angelsAffordable accurate clairvoyant, mediumship, psychic and tarot readings. Dream Interpretation and FREE dream dictionary. Psychic development classes and so much more! www.talks2angels.com Views: 20
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Christel Hughes, C.Ht.Discover your Life's Purpose, Change your Life's Path, Live your Life's Dream Views: 20
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Free law of attraction audiosLOA Law of Attraction has the web's most comprehensive catalogue of Law of Attraction audios.
Conference calls. audio books, meditation, Source Energy, manifesting and affirmations.
Everything loa is covered by our diverse range of expert contributors.
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www.intuitivelauren.com Coming soon "Be Honest with Yourself" Trance channel, Medium ship,personal readings,channeled writings
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Bethany Dalton-Kash MA, Minister of LightI am a channel and teacher (channeling since 1989). I work in an individual way with each person. Classes are offered in Meditation, Healing, Life Coaching, Psychic Development, Sustainable Living and Dreaming. Views: 19
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Bonnee's Creative Spiritual WorksA collection of works by Bonnee. Site includes Esoteric art, Spirit Guide Drawings and Channeling. Views: 19
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Professional Psychic ServiceDebbie Fletcher offers professional psychic services for individuals, small businesses and corporations. Psychic abilities are a valuable commodity in all areas of life. Psychic awareness is not just for entertainment. Find out how the “Psychic Advantage” can help you. Views: 19
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The Nibiruan CouncilProviding multidimensional wisdom on topics ranging from self-help to galactic history and DNA reconnection. Views: 18
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Wings UnfurledAngelic Intuitive who connects with guidance to offer angel readings, healing with Integrated Energy Therapy, Kundalini Reiki and Sound Massage. Classes offered on many metaphysical topics. Views: 18
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Ann-Mhayra AlecksonAnn-Mhayra, higher consciousness word and healing channel gives a voice to the power within empowering you to be the Master of your life by releasing the negative, embracing the positive within and living the life you want to live. Views: 16
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The LightspeakersThe Lightspeakers bring you practical wisdom from higher realms to assist you in self-love and empowerment. Transform your life into one of passion, purpose, peace and love. Views: 16
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TheSecretofSelfHealing.comOur bodies have the ability to heal. We all have this endowment. Yet we were never taught to access this innate healing ability. The purpose of the web site it to help people learn how to heal themselves.
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Across DimensionsAcross Dimensions offers a range of services, including understanding your life's purpose, communicating with loved ones on the 'other side', ancestral healing, Higher Self communication, past life regression, removing entities, animal communication, and optimizing business decisions. Views: 15
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ChannelFortheMasters The Masters and Cosmic Beings who belong to the Spiritual Hierarchy. Michael Ellegion, trained in the Edgar Cayce method of Channeling, does Transformmational channeling sesions for Lightworkers. Views: 15
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Angel Readings & Healing Sessions by AnnieAnnie will connect with your special team of angels to bring forth messages you wish to receive regarding any area of your life. She also offers past life readings, life coaching sessions, chakra clearing/balancing sessions, Reiki, and Crystal healing sessions.
Visit Annie at http://www.angelreadingsbyannie.com/
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Aurora's MessageAurora's Message is all about bringing messages of Love and Compassion to humanity. Look for channeled writings each month, as well as events and classes in the Seattle area. The channel for these messages is also available for private readings and courses on spiritual/intuitive development. Views: 13
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Channeled Messages from Eloheim & The CouncilChanneled messages focused on moving from the fear-based operating system to the consciousness-based operating system. Live, weekly webcasts, private sessions, audio and video archives, books, and transcripts. Views: 11
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Circle of Light Wellness CentreWe are a multi-service Healing Centre founded with the purpose to support everyone, as they need it, on their journey. We offer a whole approach to healing and believe that all aspects of self Physical, Mental Emotional and Spiritual require balance in order to live a healthy, vibrant, joyful existance. Views: 11
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