Approaching a loved one who is struggling with substance abuse is never easy. Being addicted is a mechanism that evolves over a long period of time and it often is caused by underlying, co-existing disorders like anxiety, depression, or personality disorders. Often, treating substance abuse involves psychotherapy or medication for the mental health issues that trigger the substance abuse in the first place.


But treating for substance abuse also includes a lot of support in the long-term from family members or friends of the one who is struggling. As well-intentioned as they might be in most cases, they often don’t know what to do or take actions that do more harm to the affected person.


Here is a list of 6 common dos and don’ts for you when trying to help a person who is struggling with addiction. Visit rehab south africa website via this link


#1 DO: Confront Them About Their Addiction


Ignoring someone’s addiction problem is not a way of solving it, no matter how hard it is to confront them and open the conversation. It’s the toughest when they are denying it or trying to minimize the issue. The social stigma related to addiction plays a huge role in this chain of events and makes it hard to make the first step. Read on to see what can make it easier for both of you.


#2 DON’T: Don’t Shame Them or Look Down on Them


It’s easy to be upset or to criticize someone for their poor decisions associated with substance abuse. The first thing they need is compassion, and shaming them might have the opposite effect of what you were trying to achieve.


#3 DO: Be Realistic About the Recovery


Recovery for an addict is a long process and it’s very probable to include relapse, denial, refusal of treatment, and a lot of negative emotions unraveling. But the quality of life for someone treating addiction can’t only get better once the battle is showing results.


#4 DON’T: Never Enable Your Loved One


Enabling someone with addiction doesn’t always mean giving them access to the substance they are addicted to. Bailing them out of trouble, giving them money, and supporting the consequences of their own behavior are just as enabling, and will not help your loved one.


#5 DO: Educate Yourself on Addiction


Understanding how addiction works will help you help the one you love and process what they are going through better. Read about the specific type of addiction your loved one has and research treatment options at rehab


#6 DON’T: Don’t Violate Your Loved One's Privacy


As tempted as you are to share your loved one’s problem and even successes with others, don’t do that unless they express their consent. Fighting addiction is a very personal process and it has a lot to do with trusting others.


With these few guidelines in mind, know that treating addiction can be a difficult and long-lasting process. Your loved one might have tried this on their own numerous times. With professional help and your support, they have a much better chance of breaking the addiction cycle and living a life they are worthy of.


Always ask for help if you are overwhelmed and don’t give up on trying.

Call our rehab today for treatment options.

Author's Bio: 

Ikhraaf Qaiser is a blogger and renowned author on many websites. He loves to write about health, lifestyle, and travel.