What are your thoughts on the world today?

Certainly when asked this there are a variety of responses that seem to come forth from people. Some will say they don’t think about it at all, others will be loaded with opinions, others have already created a thousand solutions for what they see is wrong with it, others say they refuse to pay attention to anything that is happening, still others are at war and in uproar about everything. This could probably be a very long list, if I really got into it. For most, they are neutral or don’t want to be involved; yet then we have those that live in fear and worry about what is happening and those that live in hope and optimism that we will activate Heaven to be the main frequency and will live in the Euphoria that many remember from when they lived in Lemurian Times.

Why connect the Earth and Lemuria you might ask. Well over the last several years, even prior to the ascension times; many have been having dreams, visions, experiences of other lives in Lemuria. They remember an exploding planet; but they also remember the Peaceful and Loving energy that they once lived in. I bring this up; because it seems that many that were involved in that are here now on this Earth.

To me this shows that there are many that see great potential here; and that what is happening here is a cross of what happened in both Atlantis and Lemuria. All of the fighting that existed, the conflict that happened; and the great vie for power. Trust me, Star Wars nor any of the others could come close to the story that exists among all of this. What is interesting though, is how there appears to be conflict and war; when there is not.

That may have raised a few eyebrows - eh? That is right. Those that choose to vie for power - another great illusion, try to convince the rest that there is a war happening; and that they must fight to maintain what their position is. Yet, this is all one sided. The real power of source is not having to vie for anything because it already has it. It realizes it’s wholeness and realizes there is nothing missing; and therefore has nothing to defend, as it also realizes the wholeness in that which is desiring power which it cannot presently see in itself.

As you can see, the war then is one sided. The fight is with oneself; the ego self that is desiring to have power and that is unable to see it already has what it believes it is fighting for. This is a great parallel for what is happening here on Earth. It is also the same cycle that perpetuated in the times of Atlantis and Lemuria. This is also why we have seen so many that were involved in those times show up here and now. The Lemurians (as well as some other groups such as Lyra) have come to assist in the healing; so that we do not repeat our past.

In addition, those associated with Atlantis are also bringing in some great wisdom and showing up in the Sage’s we have here; although keep in mind those are often not those in the biggest public eye. The key now, is to remember that we are here to work together; and not engage in an illusory battle directed by those that are unable to see their own wholeness. The key is that we use compassion and choose differently. In connecting to Divine Spirit it is never too late; and there is always plenty of time.

How do we do this? We learn from the things that are happening in our world, so that we can incorporate the Wisdom and Healing that allows us to create a different outcome. As with all things, we do not have to repeat our past. Had we only joined together in heart and soul in Spirit’s time we could have created a different outcome in the Lemurian and Atlantean Civilizations - that of Peace and Harmony; yet, instead created one that was based on giving in to great fear, panic, paranoia, and choosing an illusion of conflict and war.

With today’s world once again trying to get us to choose the illusion, we must remember the choice that we have; and that is the choice to remember our wholeness, and being compassionate with those that are unable to remember theirs which is also ours. We have the choice to step away from our fears, guilt, shame, anger, etc. The more we remember our wholeness, the more others will remember theirs. The more we feed into fear, and the doom or gloom scenarios, the more we will be drawn into that drama. Let’s not repeat the choices of our past; but create a wholeness consciousness here. There is no right or wrong here; and in wholeness we can value and appreciate all of the different components for what they do.

While Lemuria and Atlantis operated through different ways; both code out with the same message to us, which is to be Spirit, breathe Spirit, live Spirit. They remind us to be in the world but not of it. In other words be here shining your light, fully knowing who you are and do not get wrapped up in the illusion of Drama. Lyra energy is here to help us in being successful with that; and in working with the Atlantis and Lemuria energy, is all about exposing the deceptions so that we can be successful in true and pure connection.

As these energies combine further we find that the combined energy of Lemuria and Atlantis is about responsibility and not allowing ourselves to be swayed by others. As Lyra comes into this, creating a Trinity aspect we will find some great successes; but not necessarily without forms of retaliation from the energies that don’t want to release control, for the fear of releasing control can lead to attacks on those of the Lemurian, Atlantean, and Lyran heritages. This is why we are seeing more attacks on those areas coded to Peace, Compassion, Love, and attacks to the Lion and Feline energy. It is why we see many disguised as healers; but also why many are drawn to work with healing, heart, and tools that generate greater wisdom and remembering.

What will you choose; remembering that what you choose for yourself, is also what you are choosing for others?

Jesse Ann Nichols George

Code Interpretor

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Don’t forget to catch me on my radio show - Code Connection - part of the Main Street Universe Group on BlogTalk Radio.

Airs Friday at:
4:30pm - 6:30pm EST, 3:30pm - 5:30pm CST, 2:30pm - 4:30pm MST, 1:30pm - 3:30pm PST


The show will also be in the archives at this same link if you miss the live show

Author's Bio: 

Jesse Ann Nichols George is the author of 4 books, which are founded on the principles of compassion, and how to use it to bring joy to all areas of life; as well as to open to living your passion and manifesting a life of joy and fulfillment. In addition she is a collaborator and International Best Selling Author on “Embraced by the Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway To Power, Passion, and Purpose”. She created of The Genesis Clearing Statement and The Compassion Tour. Jesse is a Code Interpretor with over 33 years of experience working with clients and assisting others with their life processes and helping them to work with their best influences and to strongly connect with Divine Flow. She is a 13th+ generation spiritual healer, energy tuner, life/relationship/spiritual and wellness coach, holistic and natural lifestyle advisor. She is also a 13th+ generation Druidic practitioner; honoring and appreciating the harmony of all things. Her work encompasses practices from Eastern and Western philosophies. Jesse is a speaker and also hosts her own radio show. You can learn more about the work that she is doing at www.jesseannnicholsgeorge1.com