What is FATCA actually?

FATCA stands for Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and it is a US federal law that asks for the US to expats to show their financial accounts which are from outside the US. Foreign financial institutions are also asked to show their reports about US customers to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Whether you’re looking for a Maryland Tax Attorney or any other attorney to help you stay away from this kind of problems, you should really look into the next tips.

Figure out if you one attorney or a team of attorneys.

Sometimes it feels more comfortable to work with only one attorney who can help you with tax evasion. If you’re among those who want only one person to deal with your case, get an attorney who is specialized in expat taxes and who was his own firm or works at one.

Hire an attorney who has experience

If you need help with your legal matters, you’d better chose a big law firm, because they’ll treat you in a fair way and if it’s trust there, your relationship will be good. Make sure they have some experience on their backs and don’t forget to ask them about their approach when it comes to your issues.

What to choose between a firm that charges hourly or one that has a flat-fee

As you know, some of them charge you per hour, some of them have a fixed price. Go for the firm you can afford. You cannot play with IRS and tax evasion and you definitely don’t need a whole in your wallet.

Get an attorney who has the guts to challenge IRS

Your attorney is the one who will defend you, so he will need to talk to you and face the IRS. With proper documentation, he needs to show why his solution is the best they can come up with for you. Make sure you know if they solved cases in this domain.
Some of them cannot even talk for themselves, imagine you being their client. They can be brilliant, but that doesn’t mean that they’re always going to have the guts to do this thing.

Should you get one that’s going to use an outside CPA?

You wouldn’t want an attorney who acts as he’s the link between the IRS and your CPA.

Your attorney has to negotiate with the IRS some numbers from the amended tax return and he will need to know where they came from. So he will need to know your case so that he can talk and convince the IRS to make a favourable choice for you. So you need to go with the one who has been through this before and is able to handle other opinions when it comes to your case.

Author's Bio: 

Rasel Khan is an internet entrepreneur