Watermelon is a favorite summer fruit but are you aware of the fact that some people consume it as a vegetable too? Watermelons are seen as close relatives of cucumbers, squash and pumpkins, grown from seeds and nourished as a vegetable crop. The covering of it is mostly stir-fried, stewed and also used to make pickles. From the scientific point of view, it is regarded as a fruit and is often found in salads, different varieties of chilled soups and just the way it is. As according the best cosmetic surgeon of Mumbai of best cosmetic surgeon of Mumbai .

No matter how you eat it, as a vegetable or a fruit, watermelon will always be healthy food. The main content of watermelons is water. It is full of different vitamins and minerals with that antioxidant such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and potassium, fiber and magnesium. Lycopenes, phytonutrients which help in developing the cardiovascular and bone health are found in high quantity. Even the seeds of watermelons are beneficial for maintaining good health- you can also have them roasted which will be high in magnesium, iron and copper. It’s a super fruit for summers, so let us know more about them in the following points:

1) The cool and refreshing fruit: watermelon is a fruit that satiates our thirst the way no other fruit can ever do. There are some significant health pointers to use watermelons as a buffer between you and the harsh summers. The one thing which we should start with is to not to waste a single thing of it. Make use of the cover and seeds.

2) A watermelon cherry drink: summer has come with all its intensity and one should focus fully in staying hydrated. It should be the priority. Plain water with a few ice cubes is amazing but this amazing Watermelon Cherry drink is not only healthy but also yummilicious. Make it with fresh basil leaves and mint, this drink will help to keep you cool and full of life all summer.

3) A fresh lemonade of fruits: lemonade has been considered by our saints as a soul drink. It refreshes us and brings back the lost energy. But now try to have a wonderful mix of your favourite fruits. Bring together the juices of strawberries, mangos and watermelons for a perfect summer escape.

4) A unique combination: try something different and create Watermelon Gazpacho, a perfect summer retreat. A delicious mixture of sweet watermelons and spicy jalapenos will make a classic chilled soup. Bring on some spiral beet noodles and add more vibrancy through the colours and texture. Don’t go too adventurous, keep it simple and light but comforting at the same time.

5) For soothing effect: treat yourself and your friends with finger licking Red, white and blue salad. Add some delicate slices of this magical fruit called watermelon in the salad, as in the dressing. Go gaga with the fruits like watermelon, jicama and blueberries. Toss them together to unfurl a true summer sojourn. Don’t forget to sprinkle watermelon vinaigrette over it. Offer it to your friends and watch it become the star of the evening.

6) Watermelon salad for summers: during this summer remember to make for yourself a watermelon salad and share it with your family members. You can also offer it one of your friends with whom you are trying to bury a hatchet since ages.

7) A rose drink with watermelon: the most alluring and nerve soothing summer drink could be none other than this- chilled watermelon, melon and some rose wine into it. Have this fantastic watermelon rose drink in your evening parties to set the mood.

8) A hydration hero: a watermelon, the very name speaks for the favours it can bestow over you. It is full of water which is the much needed element in the boiling summers of India. Nothing can break the monotony of your daily lifestyle like this juicy fruit. It is a must have fruit for the people who are asked to go strict on their diet because all it consists of is water and essential vitamins that are discussed in detail in the above points. Hence, it is a fruit which will help in curbing desires to eat oily and unwanted stuff.

9) The Super ripe watermelon: with the ever-increasing temperature outside one cannot think of having a cup of tea and burn the insides. What is recommended to keep your head cool and breezy in these super competitive and burning summers is to resort to a glass full of super ripe watermelon. Instead of having it in long slices, crush it along with ice cubes and place it in the fridge. Take it out and sip the nectar.

10) Have a preserved watermelon greta: why to suffer from the heat when you have watermelon in the market. Bring it home and unfurl all the new dishes out of it and make yourself and others happy. To have a watermelon greta, blend five cups of cubed watermelon add to it half cup of sugar and the juice of a lime. Let it sit comfortably, only stirring it occasionally for five to ten minutes. Pour the entire mixture into any baking dish. Put it in your fridge and take it out after an hour.

Watermelon, call it a fruit or a vegetable. It is the only fruit which is adored by many. It helps in making people creative as some want to make melon balls and some want to carve out it completely to make a basket out of it. there are varied ways through which we can make this summer famous fruit more than just a part of fruit salad. Make yourself happy and healthy with this super juicy and friendly fruit all summer long.

Author's Bio: 

Rashmi Adwani based in Mumbai , has been writing for various healthcare units. She has been writing various blogs for the past two years on various social platforms. Her articles are mostly about the woman’s health awareness. Her interest in forming a strong perception around topics which need awareness is responsible beyond many exceptional articles. Right now she is working with CURRAE Hospital(https://www.currae.com/) in order to create awareness among masses women health.