One of the major causes of infertility and IVF failure is a thin uterine lining, inadequate blood flow to the uterus, i.e. low uterine artery pulsatility index. Treatment to increase blood flow is essential to improving fertility and reducing chances of miscarriage. It should be noted that ... Views: 4756
Are you or a friend having difficulty conceiving? Starting to wonder if something may be wrong? Do not want to go to the doctor 'just yet', or have already taken some of those first medical steps? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, the information in this article will prove to be a ... Views: 1705
Over the years working in the reproductive health field I have seen many diets come and go. What is effective is a diet that is simple & sustainable, meaning one that people can actually stick to for the long term. There is much truth to the adage 'you are what you eat', so I believe diet is the ... Views: 1179
Today Qigong is most often referred to as any set of breathing and Qi circulation techniques that are capable of improving health, preventing illness, and strengthening the body. Qigong is slow meditative exercise for the body, the breath, and the mind.
'Qi' is the vital force behind ... Views: 2285
A large number of widely used substances (pesticides, common household items and chemicals, industrial chemicals, metals) have been shown to have estrogen-mimicking and other endocrine-hormone disrupting effects, including;
2,4-D is applied to grassy crops such as wheat, home and public ... Views: 1223
Acupressure is an ancient healing technique using the fingers (vs. needles) to stimulate acupuncture points. It is used for general health preservation and the self-treatment of disease. The 7 key acupressure points explained below effectively stimulate the body's natural self-curative ... Views: 2016
Testosterone is a sex hormone in men required to be able to produce sperm. It is produced primarily in the testis and is especially abundant in young men. As we age, testosterone levels naturally decline. Statistically, at the age of 50, the decline becomes more rapid and gives way to male ... Views: 1394
Accurately determining the time a woman ovulates is paramount when trying to conceive. The only other parameters that are equal in importance is being certain there is sperm present and that the fallopian tubes are open.
The following are ways to better pin-point when and if you have ovulated ... Views: 1722