Yes, there are some surprising benefits of fish oil that you might not even know about. The more studies conducted on it, the more amazing and unexpected results come about. You might be aware of some of the benefits, like lower inflammation, better cardiovascular health, etc. Below are some of ... Views: 846
Fish oil has recently become a popular supplement for people because it contains Omega-3 fatty acids. The history of fish oil can be traced as far back as the transition from single-celled organism to multi-cellular organisms. The hormones used to communicate between the cells in one of these ... Views: 1010
Are you aware of the many healing benefits of fish oil? There is compelling evidence to suggest that your cardiovascular system can greatly benefit from it, which in turn helps people who are suffering from, or have a high risk of, cardiovascular disease. While your lifestyle habits, diet, ... Views: 888
Everyone always talks about how great fish oil, but have you ever asked yourself: “Is fish oil harmful?” It wouldn’t be surprising if the possibility never crossed your mind, because no one really talks about any negative effects of it. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t the potential for ... Views: 791
Among fish oil’s host of benefits, you might have heard it touted as anti-inflammatory; are you curious how fish oil can cure inflammation? Before you find out, you should brush up on your knowledge of inflammation. Basically, inflammation is the body’s natural response to perceived damage or ... Views: 1036
These days, fish oil is a sign of hope for cardiovascular disease sufferers. There is an unprecedented correlation between fish oil and cardiovascular disease. Unless you’ve already heard about it, you’re probably skeptical about the possibility of its benefits for cardiovascular disease, but ... Views: 687
It’s hard to put a price on good health, and research has shown that the health benefits of fish oil just keep on coming. You might not be aware of all the ways that fish oil can improve your quality of life. It’s not just a theoretical pill that might help you down the road. After a short time ... Views: 705
If you’ve heard about fish oil lately, you’ve probably wondered how it can benefit your health. It isn’t really self-explanatory; at least, not in the same way that “diet pills” or “anti-depressants” are. The sheer number of different ways fish oil can benefit your health is pretty staggering, ... Views: 719
The combination of diet and exercise has been touted as the sure fire way to health and fitness for every individual in the world. Of all the diets and health plans and products on the market, nothing has been shown to be more effective than a comprehensive program of eating well and exercising ... Views: 688
If you are unsure of whether you or someone you know is suffering from an eating disorder, it would help for you to know the key features of eating disorders. The simple fact of the matter is, everybody is different and there is no blanket statement or recipe for an eating disorder. You could ... Views: 910
Each year, thousands of women suffer from one form of harmful eating disorder or another. The causes of them are many including depression, broken family relationships, and even the media's obsession about weight. No matter what the cause, eating disorders can be extremely dangerous and can ... Views: 631
The modern concept of an eating disorder is largely the product of the fashion industry in the 1990s. As models became thinner and thinner, the media glorified this new trend, and stick-thin women began appearing on magazine covers, in commercials, and anywhere else. Once a fashion trend has ... Views: 648
It is a natural human urge to be loved, to be understood, and to be wanted. One of women’s biggest drives in life is to make themselves as attractive as they can, whether they do so through shopping, make-up, or even an intentional eating disorder. There is an extreme amount of pressure on ... Views: 1054
As is the case with many diseases and disorders, recovering from an eating disorder can often be the longest and most difficult aspect of the disorder itself. Because eating disorders are psychological in nature, there is no specific medicine you can take to rid yourself of the harmful malady ... Views: 554
Eating disorders can be one of the most harmful and troubling things that occur in a person's lifetime. The combination of the stress that they feel and oftentimes depression that leads to them, coupled with the harmful effects that eating disorders create in a person's physical life, make him a ... Views: 802
Considering the healthy benefits of taking fish oil as part of a healthy diet, it might be hard to imagine that there are any negative side effects that can occur, but like most things we take into our bodies, not all of the effects are good even containing omega 3 fatty acids.
First of all, ... Views: 958
There are a number of causes of eating disorders, but the two main culprits are fashion and culture. For a number of years, fashion models have been as thin as they could get, and anyone who wasn’t underweight by health standards was rejected as “too fat” to be a model. Therefore, even narrowing ... Views: 1262
Touting benefits that include everything from lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels to potentially even curing certain forms of cancer including breast, colon, and prostate, it's no wonder that fish oil supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids have become one of the most popular ... Views: 691
I think it’s safe to say that just about everyone has heard about the healthful benefits of adding fish oil to your diet. The Omega 3 Fatty Acids it contains, has been linked to positive effects in humans including lower blood pressure, lower triglycerides and overall cholesterol levels, and ... Views: 911
While overweight people are often ridiculed, sometimes it is not simply a matter of choosing to be overweight; sometimes it’s an addictive eating disorder. This is not to say that there aren’t some lazy people who don’t take care of themselves, but there are also people who would love to be ... Views: 602
With each and every year that passes it seems to get harder and harder for parents to protect their children from the evils of the world. It's hard enough to help keep them young and innocent and away from things such as sex, alcohol, and drugs but even if you are successful in doing that there ... Views: 1458
What do dodocosahexaenoic acid or DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA have in common? They are the two compounds that make up the famed of omega-3 fatty acids. We have all heard how incredibly healthy these fish oils are for our bodies in helping to lower blood pressure, reduce overall ... Views: 878
It seems that the healthy benefits of fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids are still being discovered. Aside from all of the health giving benefits of has been credited with in recent years, it seems that one of the most profound is its ability to help protect our hearts.
Protecting our hearts is ... Views: 792
It's hard to believe that something that is as healthy and potentially life-prolonging as fish oil could be harmful to your health, but sometimes that can be the case. Like almost all things in life, there are good sides and bad sides to almost every subject, and this includes ingesting fish oil ... Views: 977
Those of us who ingest fish oil on a regular basis, either through eating servings of fresh fish on a weekly basis or through taking it in capsules, probably assume that all it is created equal. This is just not the case. The fact is that it is derived from certain types of fish can actually be ... Views: 778
We know that fish oil which contains omega-3 fatty acids is incredibly healthy for us, but getting enough in our diet on a regular basis can be a tough thing indeed. Many people simply don't like to eat fish on a regular basis, and others find the prices to be too high especially considering the ... Views: 1006
Doctors may not always agree on everything, from diagnosis to specific treatments, but they all pretty much unanimously agree on one thing: inflammation causes disease. Every disease known to man.
Now, we are all familiar with chronic inflammation such as that that occurs when we feel actual ... Views: 765
Anorexia nervosa is one of the most prevalent and dangerous eating disorders known to man. It is known to many in that it is characterized by the sufferer refusing to eat and losing extreme amounts of weight until they often resemble nothing more than a skin covered skeleton which can often lead ... Views: 1144
When trying to lose weight and get in shape, the bathroom scale can be something we use to occasionally judge our benchmarks. Stepping on it each day helps us keep a record of just how good were doing with our weight-loss efforts. Once a day may be okay, but several times a day could be signs of ... Views: 1098
Every year, millions of men and women are stricken with the horrible reality of having an eating disorder. Certainly having an eating disorder has negative consequences but many are more far-reaching than most of the outside world could ever know. Sure, we know that having an eating disorder is ... Views: 4431
Eating disorders can be one of the most harmful and stressful things that a person ever deals with in their life. Millions of men and women from all over the world are affected by one eating disorder or another and because the stages of them can be so subtle, it is important to identify the ... Views: 687
Many of us over the course of our lifetimes have probably had a bite to eat or two simply because of the emotions we were feeling at the time. Maybe we were extremely happy about something good that occurred in our life and we splurged on a huge meal just to celebrate. Or perhaps we were trying ... Views: 1221
When your child is scared, you want to protect them. When your child is sick, you want to make them feel better. But what if your child doesn't want you to help at all? This is one of the greatest fears that parents can have when dealing with problems concerning their children. This is ... Views: 1490
It is no wonder that as many as 8 million US women suffer from eating disorders in the United States alone. Just sitting in front of the television for about five minutes or picking up any magazine on the newsstands will help to shed some light as to why. Just about every actress or model you ... Views: 591
Unfortunately in our society today, eating disorders are becoming more and more a prevalent existence in the lives of our youth. It is estimated that there are more than 8 million women afflicted with eating disorders in the US alone and many of these are young girls. The push for beauty and the ... Views: 1722
Eating disorders are an unfortunate but common existence in the lives of millions of men and women all over the world. In the US alone, it is estimated that more than 7 million women may be stricken with some form of eating disorder or another. The cause of these nightmarish conditions are ... Views: 1089
Because of our societies focus on beauty, eating disorders in the US are on the rise. It is estimated that close to 10 million women may be affected by some form of eating disorder and these statistics may be on the rise as well. The causes of eating disorders stem from a variety of issues ... Views: 990
Here's a list of a couple of different tasks. See if you can tell what they all have in common:
- scaling Mount Everest
- passing the bar exam
- not watching American Idol
- losing 10 pounds of fat
Give up? These are all things that are extremely hard to do. Well, maybe not the American ... Views: 604
Okay, I am not talking about some newfangled human juicing machine that will literally squeeze the body fat off of you; I am talking about drinking juice in order to lose fat.
Of all the diets that you may have encountered over the years, juice diets may be the most effective at helping you ... Views: 835
We are quickly becoming a world consumed with our weight. The fact is there are now HUNDREDS of millions of people who are OBESE causing multitudes of health problems that lead to negatives consequences for themselves and their family not to mention the strain it places on our healthcare system. ... Views: 560
If you are looking for something that will help you lose weight, it won’t take you long to find something. Actually, it won’t take you long to find EVERYTHING. Weight loss programs, diets, and exercise products make up the category of some of the best selling products in existence. Pills, ... Views: 627
One of the main reasons folks fail to lose weight when on a diet is lack of motivation. It is so easy for us to just fall back into our old routines rather than follow a consistent steady plan of action to achieve real fat loss success. If we can make our ROUTINE something that is healthy and ... Views: 658
Who wants to go on a diet? Who wants to exercise day in and day out and practically kill ourselves to shed those excess pounds? Worse yet, who wants to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the latest diet programs that promise to help us lose weight quickly? The answer is, NO ONE ... Views: 626
Diets, Diets, Diets! It seems that’s all we can think about when we need to lose weight! Every time we turn on the TV or look at a magazine it seems there is a brand new one staring us in the face! It can be hard enough living with yourself when you are overweight, much less trying to wade ... Views: 654
One of the biggest understatements in the world is that being overweight is unhealthy. Being overweight puts you into a higher risk of an incredibly high number of health maladies including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and many types of cancer as well. The higher your ... Views: 625
Have you ever been caught up in the hype of a new diet trend just to be sorely let down by empty promises? Most of us can unfortunately say yes. Many people get so excited about all the claims a new diet stands by that they whole heartedly trust that it will work for them without actually ... Views: 559
As you age, it may seem more difficult to lose weight as you approach 40. People must realize that losing weight works using the same mentality no matter what age you are. Even if you are approaching 40, the exercise and dietary routines are the same to effectively lose weight. There are many ... Views: 779
Aiming at a goal of losing 10 pounds a month is a simple and safe goal to help you get in shape fast. A goal of anything higher may be bad for your health, and 10 pounds is an adequate goal to really get you motivated to see substantial changes in your body.
Losing weight is beneficial to ... Views: 682
Obesity is a leading cause of death in this country. It causes things like heart disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and many more ailments that can lead to an early death. Obesity is also one of the easiest health problems to overcome because in most cases, you do have at ... Views: 750
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to shed 10 pounds in 48 hours, prior to a big event where you want to look good? Instead of staying in good shape year round, or planning ahead for a big event, most people wait until the last minute and then try to shed 10 pounds overnight to achieve the way they ... Views: 773