Acne, a common skin disorder found in males and females can be well controlled and cured by proper treatment. If left untreated, this frustrating skin disorder can induce permanent scars on skin surface. Today, there are lots of treatment options available for curing this health disorder. Laser ... Views: 964
Low desire for relationship or low libido is a common health disorder reported in hospitals. Factors contributing for low female libido can be either physical or psychological in origin. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder is often characterized by persistent or recurrent lack of interest in ... Views: 1015
Blood purification is an important process needed for maintaining a healthy life. If not purified, accumulation of toxins may lead way to internal organ problems. Detoxification is an important process needed for removing harmful toxins from body. Nowadays, detoxification of blood is a natural ... Views: 710
Acidity is one among the commonly found stomach disorders formed due to over production of acid by gastric glands of stomach. Lots of factors contribute in the formation of acidity. Some among the main factors leading way to the risk of stomach acidity include excessive intake of spicy foods, ... Views: 565
Pimples are skin inflammations formed due to the infection of sebaceous glands with bacteria. It is commonly seen in body parts like face, shoulders, back and chest. According to the appearance, pimples are mainly divided into different types as papules, whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, pustules ... Views: 605
Insomnia or sleeplessness can be described as an underlying cause of disease. It can affect both men and women of all ages. As per the duration of symptoms, this health disorder is divided into different types. Chronic insomnia, short term insomnia and transient insomnia are three main types of ... Views: 822
Diabetes is a metabolic disordercharacterized by improper production or use of insulin. According to the conditions leading way to diabetes, this health disorder is mainly divided into three as type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. Factors contributing for the formation of ... Views: 525
High blood pressure is a health condition characterized by elevation in systemic arterial blood pressure. Causes contributing for high blood pressure vary from one person to another. Most common factors reported for this health issue include kidney failure, thyroid dysfunction, stress and heart ... Views: 501
Dandruff is one among the embarrassing problems reported due to unhealthy lifestyle. As per studies, growth of a fungus called malessezia is responsible for the formation of dandruff problems. If left unconsidered, it can lead way to several psychological and physical impacts on person. Low ... Views: 2546
Low libido may be defined as a lack of desire to unite sexually or low sex drive. This is a sexual disorder to which both men and women are susceptible. However low libido problem is more common among women than men and men take real pride in their robust sexual desires, considering it as a sign ... Views: 3997
Menstruation or periods is a monthly phenomenon common to all women on earth. Menstruation begins when a girl attains puberty (i.e. at the age of 13-14) and continues until menopause occurs (i.e. at the age of 45-50). The beginning of menstruation signals the start of a girl's womanhood and the ... Views: 1024
Frigidity in women is a common sexual dysfunction. Many women experience loss of interest in sex due to various physical and psychological reasons. Previous traumatic experience or sexual abuse during childhood can develop a fear and reluctance to lovemaking. Sometimes intercourse could be ... Views: 16804
Acne is one among the common skin problems affecting face, back and chest part of body. This skin disorder can be divided into different types like mild, moderate or severe. In general case, scars on skin surface are mainly caused by severe acne. In order to prevent scars, it is recommended to ... Views: 1378
Hemorrhoid is a kind of health disorder characterized by swollen group of tissues surrounding anal canal region.As per research, this health disorder is commonly found among old age people. Itching, bleeding, pain and discomfort are some among the main symptoms shown by a person suffering from ... Views: 990
Hemorrhoid is a health disorder characterized by swollen veins of rectum around anal region. It may or may not be painful and becomes irritated if left untreated. Today there are lots of treatments available for curing hemorrhoid problem. Intake of herbal remedies, surgical and fixative ... Views: 600
Pimples are a kind of skin inflammation caused due to bacterial infection of oil glands. Pore blockage due to accumulation of skin cells, over wash, use of harsh chemicals, hormonal imbalance, improper food intake and dirt are some among the common causes leading way to pimple formation. ... Views: 557
High blood pressure, caused due to imbalance in systolic and diastolic pressure level is a commonly found health disorder among men and women. It can happen due to versatile causes like high stress, excessive alcohol consumption, excessive sodium intake, over smoking, high acidity and obesity. ... Views: 521
Acne is one among the commonly found skin disorders among teenagers. This disorder of hair follicle can be mainly seen on body parts like face, chest and back. Acne can appear on skin as pustules, cysts, zits, blackheads or whiteheads. There are several factors contributing for this health ... Views: 672
Heartburn is a kind of health disorder characterized by burning sensation in and around chest region. Severe heartburn formed due to stomach acidity shows symptoms like nausea, sour taste and bloating. Untreated heartburn can induce several health issues in future life like cancer. This health ... Views: 708
Kidney stone, else known as renal calculus is a kind of tiny crystals formed in kidney due to the accumulation of materials like uric acid, calcium and oxalate. Common causes contributing for this health disorder include heredity, inadequate fluid intake, obesity and infection in urinary tract. ... Views: 821
High blood sugar, medically termed as hyperglycemia is one among the commonly found health disorders affecting both men and women. Common symptoms shown by a person suffering from acute hyperglycemia include weight loss, dry mouth, blurred vision and fatigue. It can be caused due to multiple ... Views: 592
Insomnia can be defined as the inability to get sufficient amount of sleep during night. Factors contributing for insomnia vary from one person to another. Post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, chronic pain and narcolepsy are some among the common causes leading way to sleeplessness. Cures ... Views: 516
High blood pressure is a commonly found health disorder in today's busy lifestyle. It can be formed due to the imbalance in physical health, psychological health or both. If left unconsidered, high blood pressure can give rise to several health risks in future life. Coronary heart diseases, ... Views: 528
Shilajit capsule is one among the best herbal medicines suggested for improving the health of person. This herbal supplement extracted from Himalayan Mountain ranges is well known for its multiple health benefits. High grade of rejuvenative property enriched in shilajit capsules revitalize body ... Views: 1553
Safed Musli is one among the best recommended supplements for improving the physical and psychological health of person. It is found to be useful for men and women of all ages. Special formula of herbal ingredients included for the preparation of safed musli capsules rejuvenates body cells and ... Views: 3605
Accumulation of fat deposits in body is a main risk factor contributing for several health disorders. If left unconsidered, it can even lead way to death of person. Over accumulation of fat deposits in body can be well determined by analyzing the body mass index of person. It compares weight ... Views: 819
Obesity is a commonly found health disorder among men and women of all ages. If not considered, it can give rise to wide range of health disorders. Intake of weight loss supplements is found to be as a good cure for over weight problems. At present, you can find so many weight loss pills at ... Views: 640
Excess body fat, if left untreated can give rise to several health disorders in life. High cholesterol level, high blood pressure, kidney failure and stroke are some among the commonly reported side effects due to accumulation of excess fat in body. Consuming herbal slimming pill is found to be ... Views: 1025
Obesity is one among the commonly found health disorders in today's busy lifestyle. Increase in body weight depends on versatile factors like diet and physical activities done by person. Following healthy lifestyle is the bestnatural technique to control over body weight problems. Apart from ... Views: 657
Shilajit, enriched with minerals is an active ingredient used for the treatment of many health disorders. It is a composition of 85 micro minerals boosting both physical and mental health of person. Presence of benzoic acidconcentration in shilajit extractreduces aging impact and makes you ... Views: 3281
Aging, influenced by genetic, physical and environmental factors is one among the inevitable changes taking part in life. Signs and symptoms shown as a result of aging vary from one person to another. In medical terms, aging is best described as the damage happening to DNA in body. There are ... Views: 705
Energy and strength plays a very important role in maintaining the fitness level of person. As per research, there are several contributing factors regulating the normal energy flow in a person. Diet, physical activities, mental power and rest are some among the highlighting factors regulating ... Views: 1535
Shilajit can be described as a natural medicine for attaining physical as well as mental health of a person. It acts internally and helps in delivering immense power and stamina. Immediate result with zero adverse action is an important advantage of using shilajit capsules. At present, you can ... Views: 1318
Shilajit, taken from Himalayan mountain ranges is an excellent health rejuvenator. This herbal supplement composed with rich minerals has been used for centuries for the preparation of ayurvedic medicines. Let’s see how shilajit capsules work on human body. Shilajit is a perfect supplement to ... Views: 1244
Energy and vitality are two key components needed for improving the health and wellbeing of person. Sufficient energy level in human body helps in controlling both physical and psychological aspects of a person. Diet, sleep, exercises, blood sugar level, hormonal balance and iron concentration ... Views: 5253
Nightfall is also recognized as nocturnal emission. Moreover, it is a debilitating problem that occurs when a male is going through puberty. However, it is considered that during puberty, nocturnal emission is quite normal and somewhat essential for the development of body. But, experiencing ... Views: 2644
Most males develop habit of masturbation in their teenage. Moreover, body goes through certain physical and hormonal changes in the teenage and, development of reproductive system helps males to indulge in the habit of hand practice. However, experts believe that the habit of hand practice is ... Views: 6095
Joint pain is a debilitating problem that may occur due to many types of injuries or condition. Moreover, it does not matter what causes it, because it can be very bothersome. Furthermore, this problem can affect one or more joints of the body causing pain and inflammation. Besides, the joints ... Views: 521
Nightfall, else known as nocturnal emission or wet dreams is a commonly reported problem among teenagers. This is a health condition characterized by involuntary emission of semen during sleeping hours at night. Causes leading to the formation of nightfall can be of physical and psychological ... Views: 8931
Spermatorrhea is a health condition characterized by involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleeping hours at night. As per research, it is found to be as an underlying cause of reproductive diseases. Persisting condition of spermatorrhea can induce many serious impacts on patient's body. ... Views: 9504
Injury to the skin caused by excessive heat, friction, radiation, fire, electricity, light or chemicals is known as burn. Burns are basically of three types, first degree burns, second degree burns and third degree burns. Symptoms of burn may depend upon the severity of it. Minor burns can be ... Views: 507
Bruises are the most common injuries which may cause temporary discoloration of the skin. Bruises are also known by the names of ecchymosis and contusion. They are basically minor injuries which may be caused by a sudden bump or fall. This will cause small tears or ruptures in the small blood ... Views: 616
Bruises are black or blue marks on the skin which are caused due to the damage to the blood vessels. Bruises can be caused due to blunt impact or skin injury. Symptoms of bruises may include pain and black or blue marks on the skin. When there is an injury to the skin the capillaries present in ... Views: 538
It is a condition in which the enlargement of blood vessels makes the white portion of your eyes to appear red in color. It can be caused due to allergic reaction, coughing, eyestrain, trauma, infection, dry air, foreign body, dust, exposure to the sun, consumption of alcohol, fatigue and lack ... Views: 931
Swelling of the abdominal area due to gas or excessive liquid is known as bloating. The tightened abdomen can cause discomfort and can make it really difficult to either sit down or walk around. Crohn’s disease and gastrointestinal tract affliction can also cause bloating. It can also cause ... Views: 519
Unhygienic oral health may lead to bleeding gums. Gingivitis is one of the major causes of bleeding gums. Poor oral hygiene results in the formation of sticky white substance known as plaque. The bacteria produce toxins which may irritate your gums causing swelling and redness of your gums. ... Views: 1128
Brain power is very important to excel in life. The intellectual capacity of one's brain coupled with his or her ability to use that capacity to the fullest is what we call brain power. Memory is a sub-type of brain power or may be considered as an aspect of brain power. Memory is the power of ... Views: 1548
Erectile dysfunction can make a male impotent. In addition, the inability to attain proper erection for successful lovemaking is known as erectile dysfunction or weak erection. Besides, this sexual weakness has negative impact on the intimate relationships, since the male is unable to satisfy ... Views: 643
Proper height is essential for magnetic personality. Moreover, some foods that increase height and body growth boost the production of growth hormones in the body. And, growth hormones are essential for maintenance of lean body tissue. In addition, growth hormones are also responsible for a ... Views: 2107
Blood purifying herbs and foods are essential for keeping body healthy and fit. Moreover, bloodstream must be free from toxins to enjoy the pleasures of perfect health. In addition, toxins enter in the bloodstream through foods we eat, and air we breathe. Bur, there are certain blood purifying ... Views: 494