By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Do you feel nauseous whenever you step into your home? Do you feel depressed or anxious? Can you sense more negative vibes when you’re any part of the house? There’s a good explanation for this. There’s a huge chance you’re a hoarder, and there ... Views: 635
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
When it comes to childbirth, it is usually the dads who are left clueless. Moms carry the baby and are expected to take care of the newborn. But what about the dads? How to can they be of use when it comes to parenting?
Be there as often as ... Views: 852
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Perhaps you already know that suicide is something you should never consider in your life. Your life is something you cannot take back once you are dead. Nevertheless, there are still thousands of people every day who choose to end their lives ... Views: 1078
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Do you know that one of the foremost reasons why employees just suddenly decide to drop out from work or absent all the time is burnout? It happens when the stress levels become too high, and every aspect of a person’s being no longer ... Views: 632
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
There are actually different types of interviews that can happen if you are applying for a job. One of the scariest and definitely nerve racking will be a panel interview.
What happens in a panel interview? Just imagine the 1 versus 100 TV ... Views: 747
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Do you feel your hands sweating when you are onboard an airplane? Do you develop a fear of dread or foreboding? Are you confused if you’re doing the right thing? Traveling can definitely bring all sorts of emotions, including depression and ... Views: 772
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
By now you already have an idea that meditation can definitely be good for the body, mind, and soul. Otherwise, it will not be practiced by millions of people all over the world, including the famed Buddhist monks.
However, it is also not ... Views: 800
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Is it possible for you to get rid of the excess pounds? You bet it is. It just takes a little will power at your end.
Here are some of the many tips you can follow:
1. Eat real food. What do we mean by this? Instead of stuffing yourself ... Views: 638
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
People who get married have the notion of happily ever after. However, with the continuous rise of divorce in the country, you already know that a lot don’t end up that way. If you ever find yourself in a broken marriage, you should know that ... Views: 692
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Guilt—do you know that it’s one of the main reasons why you cannot really move on with your life? There’s always that certain level of fear and uncertainty. You feel limited because you are afraid you might meet the reason for the guilt or ... Views: 976
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
You have been dating this guy for a while. You find him really charming, and your personalities seem to go well together. There is a little nudge in your heart, telling you that you could be falling in love again.
But you are worried. The ... Views: 4566
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Many people are searching for the one, that soul mate, the person they could spend the rest of their life with. After all, love is definitely a wonderful feeling that is ought to be shared. However, for others searching for a long-term partner ... Views: 699
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
If you can fall in love, then you can also fall out of love. Between the two, though, as much as possible you want to avoid the latter. Nevertheless, it can happen, and rather than allow the relationship to drag on, you might as well learn how ... Views: 1037
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
True, three of the leading health problems—and causes of death—are diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer. However, what many don’t realize is they do share one common factor: obesity.
Obesity is one of the fastest-growing health issues in the ... Views: 829
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Is it normal to feel jealous? Yes, it is—once in a while. However, if it happens more frequently, worse, it destroys relationships and makes you lose your sense of confidence and causes depression and anxiety, then jealousy is going to pose such ... Views: 2615
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Being controlling is not really such a bad idea. Sometimes you need to take the lead especially if you’re the boss or if nobody’s taking the initiative. It becomes extremely bad, though, if people start to feel suffocated with your behavior. ... Views: 876
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
It is okay to be worried about something. After all, no one really holds the future, right? You should be very alarmed, though, if your worry is taking over your entire being. You can no longer function so well. You do not pursue certain ... Views: 1050
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
What does it take to be a good listener? A lot. That’s’ why there are many who cannot qualify for one.
To make sure that you can definitely lend an ear to a friend and allow him to feel so much better, discover the ways on how to be a good ... Views: 1863
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
It's perfectly normal to have butterflies in the stomach, especially if plenty of eyes will be on you. However, it's a completely different story if you find yourself struggling to breathe or think straight. Your heart beats a lot faster than ... Views: 2954
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
When you’re in business, expect to meet some competition, and a lot of them can be pretty brutal. If you don’t know how to deal with your competitors more effectively, they will find a way to sort of eat you alive. Before you know it, they’ve ... Views: 1309
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Whether you like it or not, there will be times when you have to be on your own. You may be asked to work in another state or country. School may force you to leave your house for a few years. Either way, you will be demanded to be independent. ... Views: 1348
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
A parent needs to fulfill a lot of roles, especially when it comes to his or her child. His or her role becomes more important if you’re talking about a child’s level of confidence.
Children who grow up confident will do better in their ... Views: 761
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Is it really possible to get rid of a nasty habit? The truth is yes. In fact, according to experts, as long as you stick to your commitment, you can already say good-bye to it in as short as 21 days or around a month.
Know, though, it isn’t ... Views: 576
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Who doesn’t want to get rich? Everybody does. It offers a lot of opportunities for anyone. You can secure your future, as well as that of your loved ones. You can have more time to travel and see the world. You can purchase anything you want to ... Views: 845
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
What are subliminal messages? How do they differ from the usual messages or information we pick up every day?
Perhaps this scenario is familiar to you. You walked into a theater to watch a movie. It was an intense one that all your senses ... Views: 1189
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Meditation has been around for thousands of years, a testament of its many benefits to anyone who does it.
However, not everyone tends to enjoy the full benefits of meditation. It could be because they have not been doing pretty well when it ... Views: 934
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Do you have friends who never stop whining about everything? Who always get to see your wrongs? Worse, do you have friends who make you feel so bad or commit deeds you really want to do in the first place? These are what you call toxic friends. ... Views: 1365
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
If someone gets sick, viruses and bacteria are the ones to blame. What many people do not know is one of the main culprits for various illnesses is stress.
How Stress Affects Your Body
There are two types of stress: good stress and bad ... Views: 653
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Are you currently contemplating of going back to school? Then now is definitely the most perfect time to do it. Getting additional or enhanced education will increase your chances of getting a much better job in the future. It also makes you ... Views: 733
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Going back to the dating scene after a breakup or a divorce can be very frightening. After all, it means you are open to the possibility of going into a relationship again. You are making yourself vulnerable to pain again. There is also the ... Views: 675
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
There are plenty of reasons why couples would decide to divorce, but the bottom line is this: no matter how much a former husband and wife say it’s going to be all right and it’s an amicable decision, it’s never going to be worth celebrating. A ... Views: 1460
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
There are millions of people who enjoy meditating even for just a few minutes every day. In fact, it has grown so popular since its inception thousands of years ago many religions and organizations adhere to it. Meditation is so famous for its ... Views: 640
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Whether you like it or not, you are going to grow old. Your skin will start to wrinkle, and your breasts will start to sag. You will feel more emotionally imbalanced, blaming it on the hormones. These changes are inevitable, but that does not ... Views: 617
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
You can’t get away with a demanding boss, especially if you’re talking about deadlines and objectives. You may find him pushing you too if he sees you slacking or you’re not doing your job well.
But an overdemanding boss is another story. ... Views: 1715
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Do you feel like the relationship is going nowhere? Would you like to save it? These tips don't offer any guarantee, but they are surely worth a try:
1. Talk things over.
Plenty of relationships are saved by just merely talking. What ... Views: 690
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
You may hear people say, “I hate myself.” A lot of them do not really mean it. However, there are others who do, and they are truly dead serious about it. The last person you should learn to hate is yourself. After all, it opens a whole lot of ... Views: 2838
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
How’s work? Most probably you’re asked to do a lot of things. So your basic instinct is to multi-task. Wrong move. Multitasking, interestingly, doesn’t get you anywhere really. In fact, it leaves a lot of jobs unfinished. The key to completing ... Views: 1786
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Maintaining a career is not as easy as you think, especially if you are going to be asked to render some overtime. That means more time at the workstation and less time for yourself and loved ones. In fact, some of these overtime schedules are ... Views: 712
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Why should you meditate? The benefits can be pretty endless; but to sum them up, meditation is good for the body, mind, and soul. If meditation doesn’t work, it should have died several years ago. This practice has been around for several ... Views: 621
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
How do men relax? Do they share the same activities with women? Is it necessary for them to down on beer just to be able to become stress free?
Most definitely it’s very important for the guys to feel completely relaxed after they find ... Views: 650
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Things have never been the same for so many years. For one, many of the items you see these days tend to increase their prices all the time. That’s why for any employee an increase in salary wouldn’t hurt.
But is there a good way to request ... Views: 708
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
There’s no such thing as perfection, but that doesn’t mean you can strive to be the best that you can be. It’s such a waste if you can use only 10 percent of your brain when you can actually go more than that, as long as you know how do to it. ... Views: 1112
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
What is the immune system? Just think about the Great Wall of China. This wall has been erected by the Chinese to ward off their enemies. That’s how the immune system works. It releases antibodies that tend to fight off the viruses and bacteria ... Views: 583
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Are you currently besieged with loads of household chores, and now you are really finding it hard to manage all of them? Yes, even your home can cause you a lot of stress. Just imagine juggling the laundry, cleaning, and cooking, along with ... Views: 1303
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
You really do not want to keep some enemies during your lifetime. However, you really cannot help it. There will be some people who you cannot just get along. It is also possible they will be very vocal of their level of dislike toward you. ... Views: 2578
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
When you’re working, it’s expected you will experience some kind of stress. After all, you have plenty of sources: demanding boss, office politics, deadlines, revisions, projects, and a whole lot more. It becomes more severe when you’re a family ... Views: 712
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Are you currently battling sleepless nights? You should not take them too lightly. There’s a good chance you’re suffering from a very common sleeping disorder called insomnia.
Insomnia is characterized by being up on the bed longer than you ... Views: 864
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
What does it mean to be spiritual? A lot of people have the wrong notion about it. You really don't have to belong to a religion to be called spiritual, though it does help because it's easier for you to build your spirituality.
However, ... Views: 631
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Are you scared to fly? Then you are not alone. There are thousands of you all over the world. The moment you step foot into the airport, you are already producing huge beads of sweat. Just the thought on board an airplane makes you anxious and ... Views: 626
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Even the best persons in the world get rejected. A-list Hollywood actresses do not end up coveting plum roles. Some professors are not accepted in Ivy League universities. Rejections are a part of life—and something that is hard to fathom most ... Views: 705