It's interesting to me that whenever I give a presentation to men in a corporate setting or work one-on-one with a male client I get a lot of questions about what kind of suit to wear for their body type and what the correct "button-rule" is for suits and jackets.
As a professional image ... Views: 3843
Many top organizations where I work as an outside consult or a speaker delivering professional development seminars are rushing right now to create new internal women’s leadership groups. That’s because these large companies understand that as the economy imposes changes in how they do business, ... Views: 978
New times demand new solutions, and with most professionals fearful of corporate downsizing or restructuring measures, personal branding methodologies are more critical than ever. Organizations have to navigate to survive in today’s new business climate, and so do top leaders and high achievers. ... Views: 2777
There is no better time than a new year to inspire professionals to shine the spotlight on their personal and professional goals. As we begin this year’s journey it’s a wonderful time to really delve into what’s working in your life – while also acknowledging what’s not. During this uncertain ... Views: 1079
Whether they are emerging leaders in a large corporation or solo entrepreneurs, almost everyone has experienced a painful career failure or two. The end of the year is always a great time to really look back over the past months and years with a view toward learning how to leverage past failure ... Views: 1392
With the current economic situation continuing to restrain spending, I don’t foresee that many companies will throw the kinds of extravagant holiday parties of years gone by. But you may receive invitations to holiday parties, and don’t RSVP that you won’t be attending just because it is going ... Views: 1167
Everyone knows the importance of competitive corporate branding strategies to market to a targeted group of people with unique offerings of specific goods or services. But what is often forgotten is that professionals each have their own personal brands, whether they know it or not. It doesn’t ... Views: 919
One way professionals convey a powerful presence is through proper business introduction etiquette. We make introductions before important business meetings, at networking events, and at social business affairs. But unfortunately few professionals use introduction opportunities to leverage their ... Views: 1232
This year many college graduates will continue to interview for their first executive position during a very unusual economic time. As a young professional, you are armed with a world of knowledge. However, now comes the art of gaining real-life experiences in your field of expertise. It will be ... Views: 1078
One of the obstacles I face with my professional clients is their inability to recognize and overcome sabotaging self-talk. Through coaching them I realize how personal image can be, and how easy it is to be overly critical of ourselves –when we really need to be our own biggest fans. We often ... Views: 1672