This statement…”Life is never what you think it is” is the perfect statement you can say when life doesn’t turn out to be what you thought it was going to be? Do you ever know what life is going to be? Yes and No!
When you stay in your head, you can calculate, add two and two together, ... Views: 2269
What Is In Your Aura?
Believe it or not, your Aura, also called your Electro-Magnetic Field and your Bio-Energy Field, has various bands of consciousness that provide information about you. Your Aura field gives out vibrations and frequencies that other individuals “pick-up”. If there is ... Views: 2837
When the Past is Good for You!
Why it so much easier to remember those past awful experiences you have had?
Maybe these situations were from childhood, or traumas experienced in those challenging teenage years. Perhaps they were from circumstances from those early stages of young adulthood ... Views: 1683
Life is certainly interesting, the ups and downs that come your way. As you reflect to your past for lessons of your experiences, you probably engaged in some of those situations and wondered why did I even go there? You could easily say for the lessons. ... Views: 1689
Perception is the reception and deception of your conception! Good grief, what does that mean? It means that when you have a perception about your Self, some else, or some situation, you can deceive your Self because you don’t always have the facts.
The ... Views: 1796
Do you every stop and say to yourself… “if only I had known then, what I know now, things would be different.” But would they really? Probably not! Why? You did exactly what you did or didn’t do at that time, because you weren’t ready to anything differently. What you did at that time is ... Views: 1777
Have you ever gone into a home or office and you could feel the atmosphere? Sometimes, when there is conflict in the place, you will say… “wow”, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife, it is so heavy and dense!” Well truer words were never spoken so ... Views: 1821
When we transition from life time to life time, there is that place of revelation or that place of the “oops”….as Brittney Spears sings….Oops I did it again…and then again and than again! This place and space of learning, going over your script, rewriting your lessons ... Views: 1649
Life is like a Movie
Have you ever had an experience in your life, when you thought for sure you were in a movie? Doesn’t it seem like it at times? Wouldn’t it be great if you knew for sure what was coming next? Doesn’t it seem at times that some of the people in your life appear all ... Views: 4111
There is so much discussion and speculation about the Law of Attraction that the concept can sometimes get confusing if you are not sure what you are asking the Universe to do for you. Remember a contract is a two way agreement. First you must be absolutely clear what you are expecting the ... Views: 1626
A Place of Inspiration
“I have found that sitting in a place where you have never sat before can be inspiring” – Dodie Smith. How profound this quote is, especially in these times that appear so scary and confusing. What is going on with the American Dream? Has it turned into a ... Views: 737
A Reference Point – The Real Point of the Past?
What happens if the power of now is based on the “then”? Then what happens? The evidence is overwhelming that history repeats itself over and over again. So how can we live in the now if so much of the now is based upon what happened ... Views: 1190
The Positive Negative Side of Polarity
The story goes that positive is good and negative is bad. How can that be when you are both positive and negative polarity? Your positive and negative poles work in unison with your body to stay balanced. When you go to the ocean or around water, it ... Views: 1270
The Exchange of Power or Force
The word exchange means to swap over, switch, replace, trade, barter, substitute. In conversation it means to argue, talk, chat, discuss or have an altercation. From both of these points of view, in the meaning of exchange, an underlying issue comes to the ... Views: 830
Attraction isn’t just a law; attraction is a practical, useful principle. When you apply this formulating principle, you significantly become a magnetic power source, inviting new opportunities, new business and new relationships to you and your business. The ... Views: 874
In the current fear-state of the economy, it is a challenge not to feel overwhelmed and over burdened; however, there is more than light at the end of the tunnel. When you are coming from an unburdened, creative, free-flowing consciousness, there is no tunnel; only laser-focused direction - ... Views: 943
In these challenging times with overwhelming media coverage centered on fear and loss, it is easy to create “out of body” experiences, pushing the limits of your upper chakras - your crown, third eye, throat and heart - to check out of the turmoil. The fallacy that living in these upper chakras ... Views: 929
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing”…Helen Keller. “Truth or Dare”… Madonna.
Two completely flip sides of the coin of perspectives by two women from completely different ends of the spectrum of time and space. But, maybe not! Both women dared to be themselves in the changing ... Views: 1114
“Your vision will become clear only when you look inside your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” -- Carl Jung.
What a fabulous quote that says it all. The reality is…is that it is an inside job.
There is no doubt about it, right here, right now there are ... Views: 691
Looking back to the past as a reference point only, not a situation to be relived can be an enlightening and freeing experience. From the standpoint of reality, consciousness is reality. Belief Systems are concepts, ideas, beliefs of the current time, but they are not reality. Belief Systems ... Views: 1120
Why is there the perception that it takes a long time – and a long, painful process – to heal emotional and physical issues? The truth is, it is not necessary. Everyone has the ability to participate consciously and proactively in his/her own healing process. How does it work? By getting in ... Views: 2707
This article presents a new modality in the field of energy medicine that uses cellular memory release as a practical, effective treatment for depression. However, in order to understand cellular memory, it is important to first review prior developments within complementary and alternative ... Views: 3123