Freud had a lot of great ideas, but the idea that bad toilet training causes mental problems wasn't one of them.
However, Freud and many others since, have realized that stress is THE major cause. What causes the stress is a different matter, often overlooked in our "drug fix" world ... Views: 3578
Unfortunately, few people realize the importance of the gut being in good balance. Add to this the fact that antibiotics kill the bacteria in the gut that is necessary for good digestion, and the yeast/fungus begins to take over leading to the disease Candida. (Antibiotics used by MD's are ... Views: 2588
The following may come as a surprise to most people, including most medical doctors.
Most mental disease is caused by unsuspected brain allergies and/or allergy stress!
This fact was illuminated for me by Dr Marshall Mandell in the early 80's. He appeared on the Phil Donahue show, and ... Views: 2766
Just what is depression, and what is the major cause? Depression is a whole bag full of different symptoms. Anxiety and insomnia are both recognized "common" symptoms, but there are many more. Just not happy most of the time is depression. What is the cause of depression. Again, there are ... Views: 2771
Since 1979, I have been researching and working as an "Orthomolecular Psychologist". I switched from a "Behaviorist" psychologist to this non drug approach to schizophrenia that worked on a "pro bono" patient, and it worked to my surprise. Working in an allergy clinic with a a brilliant ... Views: 2458
You're at home alone, and you suddenly feel a severe pain in the chest. It is now radiating up all the way to your jaw area, and it's going outwards to your left arm. Almost certainly you're having a serious heart attack.
You've only got about 10 seconds left. Your heart is stopping, and ... Views: 2943
There are two rules for all allergies (including "sensitivities or intolerances").
Rule 1. Any Allergy can cause any symptom or any "disease".
Rule 2. There are no other rules.
Only a few "guidelines". (Look at wheat, corn, milk, peanuts, soy first.)
There is a fairly good ... Views: 2751
All depression (and most other mental problems) is caused simply by a combination of stress and poor nutrition. A downward cycle with the stress requiring more nutrition, and the lack of it causing more depression.
There are two "hidden" sources of stress, and one other partially hidden. ... Views: 2446
While depression is mostly caused by an overload of stress, there are also genetic pointers towards it. If you have depression in your family, you may be pre-disposed towards depression with enough stress. You cannot change your genetic factors, but you can definitely lower your stress. Since ... Views: 2304
How can BPA be toxic in Canada, but safe in the US?
More and more studies conclude that BPA is toxic. Canada has declared BPA toxic. Denmark and France have restricted BPA use in numerous products. Learn more about BPA and how you can reduce exposure to this obviously toxic ... Views: 2376
Very few people are even aware of this "overlooked" vitamin. Do you know much about it? It's critical to good health. Here's a few of the facts that make it so important:
1. About of 80% of the Vitamin K that you need is actually manufactured by the "friendly" (but lethal) bacteria that ... Views: 4301
Zinc is a very necessary nutritional mineral. It is a vital component used in fighting infections and wounds. It is also heavily involved with the reproductive system, particularly for men. It's involved with the sensory systems of taste and smell.
Measuring Zinc Deficiency
There are ... Views: 1818
Most MD's use blood tests called T3, T4 and T7 to determine thyroid activity in patients. They then compare these blood readings to what is called "normal" ranges and if the blood tests fall into these ranges, the patient is told they are "normal" or "OK". Since everybody is INDIVIDUAL, that ... Views: 1768
Stress is a major cause of all disease, and this stress is stored in the unconscious or subconscious mind. (Either description is the same phenomenon.) Our egos would like to believe that our "conscious" mind is in charge, but that just isn't the case. The unconscious mind really controls ... Views: 2247
There are thousands of theories about what the unconscious mind is what it can and cannot do. Some believe that it is the "soul" of the person, and is unique to we humans. It separates us from the "lower" animals on this planet. Others believe further that it makes us unique in the universe, ... Views: 2060
What is meant by "peer reviewed"? What is so-called blind and double blind testing and how accurate is it? Why do "scientists" refuse to even look at anecdotal evidence?
Peer Reviewed: What this means is that persons just like the person who wrote the report thought it was accurate. ... Views: 1947
There are three methods of measuring mineral toxicity without actually taking a biopsy of the liver.
Blood Analysis: This measures only what is in the blood at the time of taking the sample. The problem with this is not only that it is limited in time, but blood levels will vary considerably ... Views: 1930
There are lots of prescription drugs that deal with all types of pain, but there aren't as many people that know about two non drug (and safer) pain relievers.
Aloe Vera is the absolute best for relief of any type of burning pain. It seals the area, and within seconds, pain is lessened if ... Views: 2204
It seems that lately, I've met a lot of people who have schizophrenic relatives or friends. So, I decided since I've had huge success in easily solving this horrible "disease" to repeat that "history here.
When I first started in practice in the late 70"s, and took on one pro bono patient ... Views: 2438
In Washington , DC , at a Metro Station, on a cold January morning, this man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, approximately 2,000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After about 3 minutes, a middle-aged man noticed that ... Views: 2227
Many of you will have heard or seen the horrible mess that Johnson and Johnson is now in. It seems that that lovely little baby we all know on their baby shampoo has been a phony for some time. And J & J has known that for some time. According to Emily Patterson ( ... Views: 3090
To even get into Med schools takes a high above average intelligence. To stay and graduate even at the bottom of the class takes even more. All "doctors" of any kind have to be smarter than average, and the MD should be above the rest. Yet, these highly intelligent people accept what they are ... Views: 2330
This article is designed to help you do research finding help and solutions to improve autism (and other mental problems.) You can use this reference article to search further on many and various therapies that have helped others. This is a very confusing subject, with lots of "expensive ... Views: 2671
There seem to be hundreds of therapies for autism on the market today and "on the market" seems to be the reason - money.
However, there is no real integration of any of these therapies and little information for the "poor" parents with an autistic child (and "poor" is often correct as ... Views: 2599
To view a 60 day case study of a serious ADHD boy using Neuroliminal Training, Click here
Really surprising - several kids with ADD/ADHD who did NOT speak English have now been successful using Neuroliminal Training in different ... Views: 3226
There seem to be hundreds of therapies for autism on the market today and "on the market" seems to be the reason - money.
However, there is no real integration of any of these therapies and little information for the "poor" parents with an autistic child (and "poor" is often correct as ... Views: 2519
To view a 60 day case study of a serious ADHD boy using Neuroliminal Training, go to:
There are now five types of recognized professional treatment for ADD, ADHD and Autism used today by different clinicians:
1. Drug treatments: (Ritalin, ... Views: 4225
Stress comes in many and varied forms, mostly unsuspected by most of us. We are generally aware of the emotional stress that can be caused by such upsets as losing a close friend or relative, but how many realize that allergies and sensitivities also cause huge and often unrecognized stress ... Views: 2863
Antibiotics are both a blessing and a curse. There is no doubt that they have saved many lives and almost eliminated death from "older" common bacterial infections. However, they have been over prescribed from the beginning and this has caused two very different and very serious ... Views: 3094
There seem to be hundreds of therapies for autism on the market today and “on the market” seems to be the reason – money.
However, there is no real integration of any of these therapies and little information for the “poor” parents with an autistic child (and “poor” is often correct as autism ... Views: 2611
Integrated 4 Part Therapy for Autism
There seem to be hundreds of therapies for autism on the market today and “on the market” seems to be the reason – money. However, there is no real integration of any of these therapies and little information for the “poor” parents with an autistic child ... Views: 2951
There are many toxic minerals such as mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, copper, and arsenic that can cause very severe damage to the body or brain. To prevent this, there is a sort of "brain blood barrier" that doesn't allow these toxic minerals to pass to the brain unless the liver is ... Views: 2498
Explosive Anger Disorder! (EAD). Or, Intermittent Rage Disorder (IRD). Take your pick of labels and/or abbreviations.
These are "new" labels in the lexicon of the psychologists and psychiatrists. (You should know that most such labels are made up in order to get paid by insurance companies, ... Views: 4876
Every mother wants and hopes for a healthy baby, but in this more and more polluted world, it’s getting harder and harder.
Not that long ago in the history of humans, and up to a few hundred years ago, many women simply lay down, and had a healthy baby. Then, along came midwives to help, as ... Views: 2142
The following may come as a surprise to most people, including most medical doctors.
Unsuspected brain allergies are the cause of most mental disease or problems!
This fact was illuminated for me by Dr Marshall Mandell in the early 80’s. He appeared on the Phil Donahue show, and had ... Views: 2870
In the past treatment of depression was done by many different types of talk therapy by psychologists. There are over 250 psychotherapy "techniques", and NONE of them have been proven to work any better than any other.
But, the fact remains that very few depressed patients were ever "cured" by ... Views: 2891
There’s a new affordable alternative to dangerous drugs for the ADD-Autism continuum!
Unlike drugs, there are NO harmful side effects. Unlike Neurofeedback (AKA EEG Biofeedback, long proved the best therapy), it’s affordable for even low income families.
For about 40 years, EEG ... Views: 2286
Most MD's use blood tests called T3, T4, and T7 to determine thyroid activity in patients. They then compare these blood readings to what is called "normal" ranges, and if the blood tests fall into these ranges, the patient is told they are "normal" or "OK".
One of the reasons why three tests ... Views: 2670
There are now five types of effective recognized professional treatments for ADD, ADHD, and Autism:
1. Drug treatments: (Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, Strattera, etc). Most of these drugs contain methylphenidate, the same ingredient as "speed" on the street where it's highly illegal, and ... Views: 3602
There’s a new kid on the "mental dis'ease" block. I invented it, and named it “Neuroliminal Training" (NT). It’s simple to use and costs a small fraction of the cost of clinical Neurofeedback (AKA EEG Biofeedback & HEG biofeedback).
Neurofeedback has been well proved to be ... Views: 3128
Freud had a lot of great ideas, but the idea that bad toilet training causes mental problems wasn’t one of them.
However, Freud and many others since have realized is that stress is a major cause. What causes the stress is a different matter, often overlooked in our “drug ... Views: 2247
Everybody with more than 3 brain cells knows (or should) that each generation is less healthy than the one before. What’s happening to us? And, even more important - what can we do about it? The percentage of autistic and ADD/ADHD kids is growing at an alarming rate. And worst of all, ... Views: 2069
I wrote a 3 page paper for the recent DAN conference in Cherry Hill NJ designed to help parents do the research that is necessary to help their children. Unfortunately, too many turn to their pediatrician or neurologist, finding out after too much money wasted that they know too little to ... Views: 2607
This article is designed to help you do research finding help and solutions that improve the autism symptoms. You can use this reference page to search further on many and various therapies that have helped others. New products and theories are showing up all the time.
There are many different ... Views: 2938
In medical school, there is little or no time spent on vitamins, and thousands of hours of instructions spent on pharmaceuticals (drugs). As a result, most MD’s are “educationally handicapped” about vitamins.
In the days of “wooden ships and iron men”, the most ... Views: 18273
Everybody with more than 3 brain cells knows (or should) that each generation is less healthy than the one before. What’s happening to us? And, even more important - what can we do about it? The percentage of autistic and ADD/ADHD kids is growing at an alarming rate. And worst of all, ... Views: 1959
The following will come as a surprise to most people, including most medical doctors.
Most mental disease is caused by unsuspected brain allergies!
This fact was illuminated for me by Dr Marshall Mandell in the early 80’s. He appeared on the Phil Donahue show, and had videos of ... Views: 1998
Freud had a lot of great ideas, but the idea that bad toilet training causes mental problems wasn’t one of them.
However, Freud and many others since have realized is that stress is a major cause. What causes the stress is a different matter, often overlooked in our “drug ... Views: 2312
Only in the past few years have some Neurofeedback (NFB) clinicians worked with autistic children. Success has been rare. Few parents can afford the horrible cost, and few clinicians are willing to take on an autistic child, because of the difficulties involved.
1. How do you attach ... Views: 2119