I don’t care if you sell online, offline, or on the sideline….you should pay close attention to the following lesson.
Two reasons:
(1) Because I’m a well-respected author, teacher, and email copywriter who should be heard and obeyed.
Do I even need to give you the other ... Views: 1120
Today, I’m in a good mood.
And, I’m feeling a little more generous than usual.
So here’s the dealio:
Huh? What’s that?
No, no, no! I’m not going to be giving away any of my products.
(I said I’m in a good mood and feeling a little generous. I did not say I’m losing my ... Views: 1100
Lemme tell you about a man named Big Billy.
Who’s Big Billy?
Big Billy was the 27th president of the United States.
His real name was William Howard Taft.
And yes, he was big.
I’m talking “340 pounds” big.
Yup, the 27th president of the United States was a real porker!
But ... Views: 940
If you, dear subscriber, promote a product or service, then you are, essentially, a salesperson.
And if you want to become a wildly successful business owner, you must learn, no… not learn…you must master sales. If not you, then some dude or dudette in your business must be that master ... Views: 1317
Dear subscriber…
I have a little tale to tell you.
Normally, my stories are entertaining, instructive, or somewhat inspiring.
Not today.
Today’s story is none of the above.
Actually, it’s a little entertaining, but it sure as hell isn’t instructive or inspirational. However, it ... Views: 1090
“I recently went to a new doctor and noticed he was located in something called the Professional Building. I felt better right away.” ~ George Carlin
A carpenter has his hammer.
A painter, his brush.
An accountant, his calculator.
…a salesperson has their ... Views: 1156
Every author worth their salt will tell you that good writing is rewriting.
This is very true of writing headlines and subject lines.
You know, I don’t think I’ve ever written a good headline or subject line first go. Writing a great headline first attempt is like hitting a hole-in-one in ... Views: 789
When I have a little downtime I like to surf around on YouTube.
You know all those childish prank videos that are so popular on YouTube?
Well, I often spend hours watching them.
I love 'em.
What can I say? I'm childish.
Not only am I extremely childish, I'm also horribly ... Views: 763
Dear reader,
I ain't just whistlin' dixie when I say this persuasion secret is ancient.
No sir.
This persuasion dates back to 384 B.C.
But, more importantly, this persuasion secret is just as relevant (and effective) today as it was back then.
You see, over the years, many ... Views: 1097