You walk into a moderately business office sit down a chair in a well-dressed lobby and wait for your name to be announced. Finally, it comes and you are assessed by an intake worker, finally sent to a therapist a week later, and then recommended to the staff psychiatrist. In this short time, ... Views: 504
A keystone of one of television’s most popular series is the practice of therapy in HBO’s The Sopranos. The Sopranos manages to address the biases and benefits of therapy and treatment while also combining clear-cut, unavoidable realities as to its effectiveness and the reasons why it seems to ... Views: 408
Depression is a disorder that does not get nearly enough attention. Depressed people are often told to "cheer up" or to "look at the bright side" of things, and may spiral even deeper when they are unable to simply snap out of the mood that has such a hold on them. While depression can often ... Views: 652
Autism is a complex neurological disorder that involves abnormalities at the level of the central nervous system. Although the specific causes of autism in remain unknown, it seems that acquired or inherited genetic dysfunctions have a very important role in the occurrence of the syndrome in ... Views: 444
Depression Symptom Experienced By Bipolar Patients
Different illnesses often cause a lot of confusion among people. In recorded history, depression has been already cited. If you're familiar with Job and King David, they suffered from such disorder. Even Hippocrates mentioned about ... Views: 399
Anxiety disorder affects many people around the world and is particularly common in Western and other industrialized countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and Europe. In the US, anxiety disorders rank highly in the long list of mental health problems experienced by many individuals ... Views: 474
‘Who put the boys in the club house? You did, baby, you did.’
The song ‘Keep a Lid on Things’ by the Crash Test Dummies sums it up. Psychiatric rehabilitation organisations are often there to simply keep a lid on things (clients’ behaviour) rather than to get them back in the mainstream of ... Views: 763