One of the greatest misses of my life is clicking the photograph of my daughter’s face yesterday. I saw her for the first time in so much of sweat. Ankita was profusely sweating after her dance practice. Completely drenched , with sweat drops still rolling; she had a face that showed , no ... Views: 1621
When people in their everyday life and work feel that they are not individually responsible for the lack of movement, growth, or development, it does not augur well for a progressive and healthy society. And, if the education sector is the victim of this vacuum, our future may have been taken ... Views: 1962
The world over, there is a major issue which has been usually under-highlighted, that is, people in general have a tendency to take credit for themselves, and attribute the causes of failure to others. Not owning up failure by ourselves has been one of the causes of undesirable consequences of ... Views: 1321