Rising real estate values and falling interest rates get a lot of people in a panic. At the same time, it seems like the trend in rising real estate costs is ending, and many are concerned. In fact, in today’s real estate market, the turn of the tides can be described as a buyer’s ... Views: 616
Have you pursued training as a real estate investor, or are you just assuming that you can make the right decisions and profit in the industry? Most likely, if you are like the majority of so-called real estate investors, you haven’t had proper training and have simply applied a sum of ... Views: 560
If you look at the statistics today for the American population, you’ll find out quickly that it can be unrealistically difficult for the average person to obtain a traditional mortgage loan. In order to qualify through most sources, a buyer has to have a high credit rating (which ... Views: 672
If you have received the proper training as a real estate investor, you realize there is no such thing as a “bad” real estate market. The real estate market fluctuates cyclically, driven mostly by the laws of supply and demand. As you probably learned in grammar school, supply and ... Views: 577
To try to work around insurance issues involved with purchasing property, some choose the route of applying for an LLC. This is done because some don’t feel comfortable getting an insurance policy in their personal name and then having that sent to the mortgage company. Applying for an ... Views: 634
A trained eye knows how to read the real estate market without listening to talking heads that provide general news. Media often hypes any story to sensational levels in order to gain attention, building ratings for whatever network running the program. That means that, whether talking about a ... Views: 900
Do you remember in your social studies classes – government and economics – when you studied the laws of supply and demand? Perhaps you looked into the subject more deeply in college with a marketing, advertising, or finance course. Unfortunately, this is one subject you will have ... Views: 639
Part of being successful in real estate involves reading the market and knowing the difference between a buyer’s market and a seller’s market. In order to drive a profit, you have to understand how to play your cards, and to be able to win the hand, you have to identify exactly what ... Views: 996
If you are serious about real estate investment, you should think twice about your requirements for purchasers or tenants. In most cases, if someone is ready to purchase a home without going through a traditional bank, it is because they don’t meet all of the requirements to qualify for a ... Views: 838
When investing in real estate, you’ll find there are many who are willing to put money into a property in hopes of earning revenue but few who are willing to get the proper training that will help them achieve success in real estate investment. Those that do take the time to learn the ... Views: 676
I keep telling everyone I can this is only a part time business with a full time income. If you crank up your buying machine and prescreen out the suspects quickly it only leaves you a handful of people to talk to and a few houses a month to visit for you to buy two or three deals ... Views: 693
I never cease to be amazed by people who expect to get good at something overnight. I see new investors get into real estate all the time and somehow they get this illusion it’s some kind of fairy tale business where you can go from beginner to expert in a few short months.
Where does ... Views: 577
Step 7. The Day Before Closing
Call the closing agent and get the exact amount the buyer will need to bring. Usually a cashier’s check is required and you don’t want this to be a last minute thing that was missed. Call your buyer with the amount and confirm they have the insurance ... Views: 561
Step 2. Call The Loan Processor Within 3 Days To Make Sure The Appraisal Was Ordered
That’s right; you actually have to check to see if they did. Remember this...every day that goes by decreases your chances of closing. It’s your job to take care of the details. No one else cares ... Views: 606
You’ve pre-qualified your prospects. They look good and you’ve made an appointment with your lender for the formal loan application. You’re feeling good about yourself now because, as far as you’re concerned, this house is sold...or is it?
Don’t spend your money ... Views: 708
If you’re reading this and you haven’t done your first deal yet, you may be trying to justify why it doesn’t apply to you.
Sorry, that dog won’t hunt. It does apply to you if you want to get rich. Every successful real estate millionaire began with their first deal. You ... Views: 910
Why Did It Have To Take
So Damn Long?
You’re so lucky! What took me 20 years to figure out has been put in an aerosol can so you can simply spray on success almost over night. With the easy to follow and simple plan I’ve created over the years, you get to bypass those 20 years, and ... Views: 685
I’m constantly amazed at how the majority of the human race in a great country like America would rather spend their entire life being mediocre, swapping hours for dollars, taking little risk, playing not to lose…then going for the gusto and getting everything possible out of the ... Views: 609
7. Chasing dead-end leads. Chasing dead end leads is very similar to dealing with unmotivated sellers and can be a tremendous waste of time and energy. Unfortunately, many people never really learn how to avoid it. Well I can solve this problem very simply. Pre-qualify every prospect that comes ... Views: 592
5. Lack of action. There's an old saying that goes "Even a turtle won't get anywhere until he sticks his neck out." Another old saying (that I made up) is "You're never going to get rich sitting on your behind and waiting for it to come to you." You have to make it happen. You have to get things ... Views: 678
4. Listening to negative thinkers and "Dead Heads." Nothing kills the entrepreneurial spirit like negativity. With all the challenges you face in business, you need to keep a positive, upbeat, enthusiastic attitude about what you're doing. It's the only way you'll be able to perform at your ... Views: 647
2. Getting into the rental business before your cash-flow needs are met. Boy, did I ever get tangled up in this one. When I first got started with real estate, I decided to buy all the rental property I could. I figured with a lot of tenants in a lot of houses, the cash would just fall into my ... Views: 678
Over the last 23 years, I've known many investors and entrepreneurs. I've seen every possible scenario, from overnight success to plodding, sit-on-your-butt-and-do-nothing failure. I've known people who would get off to a great start, and then fade away, and some who would piddle around and ... Views: 691