Diagnostic Hallmarks
Distribution: exposed areas, asymmetrical locations
Angular and linear lesions
History of exposure
Clinical Presentation
The antigens responsible for the development of allergic contact dermatitis resulting from poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac are, for all ... Views: 1598
We spend much of our day thinking-escaping into daydreams, worrying about the past, and never fully living in the present. We may think that we are planning, solving problems, or creating new ideas, but most often the mind is merely talking to itself. It is a way of escaping the responsibility ... Views: 1032
Urticarial lesions often enlarge centrifugally. The center of such lesions fades, leaving a ring-like border. Both partial and full rings can be seen. Tremendous variation in size occurs; coalescence of two or more small rings leads to the formation of larger lesions with gyrate or ... Views: 692
Leucine is one of the three branched-chain amino acids, with valine and isoleucine being the other two. To maintain a positive nitrogen balance in adults is essential. However, leucine can be synthesized from the keto acids a-ketoisovalera to, a-isopropylmalate, ß- isopropylmala to, or ... Views: 951
Many things affect the baby's size at birth. Some do not imply a problem and smaller weights are not always indicative of growth retardation. Girls,for example ordinarily weigh a few ounces less than boys. A woman's first child usually weighs less than her subsequent babies. Mothers who them ... Views: 10375
Today's expectant parents can find out the sex of their child well before it is born. There are two basic ways of determining fetal sex. One is by analyzing genetic sex, based on the information encoded in the sex chromosomes. The present techniques for doing this in the first and second ... Views: 5001
What do doctors call this condition?
Chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome, "yuppie flu"
What is this condition?
In this recently recognized illness, the person typically has overwhelming fatigue, fever, painful glands, and other symptoms that mimic those of chronic ... Views: 809
It is also known as Sheeta Pitta in Ayurveda, but some people call it 'Nettle rash' or 'Hives'. It is very agonising disease when the patient has eruptions all over the body, there are elevated red patches which may have white margins or in other cases, patches are whitish but circumscribed by ... Views: 3627