Are you stuck on the procrastination highway where productivity slows to a crawl and stress uncontrollably speeds up? Why, because you’d rather be doing something else, fear of failure or lack of organization? Or are you procrastinating just because you do not know how to manage your internal ... Views: 1529
Are your relationships draining the passion out of your personal life and sabotaging your performance in the workplace? If your relationships are out of balance, whether at home, in the workplace or both, passion and mutual fulfillment suffer at home and your productivity and performance suffer ... Views: 2335
Has the loss of a loved one, a major physical or financial tragedy or a global disaster brought your world to a screeching halt? Are you finding it hard to deal with the emotional rollercoaster, blaming yourself and feeling anger and helplessness all at the same time?
Loss from a major ... Views: 8187
An often asked question is, “Do Yin and Yang have anything to do with Feng Shui?” Or, “Can I use something other than the traditional principles of Feng Shui to bring balance and harmony into my surroundings so I can improve my life?” Others even say they would like to use Feng Shui but do not ... Views: 2441
Whether you are one of the 77 million baby boomers reaching retirement age every seven seconds, approximately 12,000 people per day, or still part of what the government calls the non-mature workforce at 45 or under, the word retirement can create waves of anxiety, mile high piles of questions ... Views: 1362
Do Feng Shui principles actually play a role in the development or improvement of prosperity? Will it make a difference if you focus new positive energy on improving your income generation?
The answer is a qualified yes. Remember, one of the principles of Feng Shui is the use of positive ... Views: 1651
According to Mac Anderson Founder, Simple Truths, a few years ago a health study determined there are three main reasons people can't cope in life:
1. They live in the past.
2. They have a low self-esteem.
3. They can't laugh at themselves.
All three of these can be important when you ... Views: 2536
Do you wish your life was smooth sailing every day, not just occasionally? Do you feel like you are you aimlessly adrift, being tossed around on the sea of life at the whim of the waves?
Everyone experiences a few days or weeks throughout a lifetime where they feel out of control and tossed ... Views: 2096
Did you decide 2010 is your decade filled with the kind of change that brings you balance, prosperity and abundance? Lasting change, the kind that eliminates chaos in your life and provides you calm so you can take advantage of the law of attraction no matter what is happening in the world. ... Views: 1460
Kathy, a business person working out of a home office, has been talking about relocating and downsizing for months. She was so excited about her move. She did everything right, she uncluttered, packed and cleaned each room before moving on to the next. She arranged for utilities and the mail to ... Views: 1040
Are you running on almost empty when it comes to encouragement, motivation and self-confidence? Has self-empowerment fled the scene leaving you drained, alone and discouraged?
You are not alone. According to a study by Gallup-Healthways, stress is spiraling upward as the economy continues ... Views: 1633
According to the National Association of Professional Organizations, research shows a direct correlation between productivity and clutter. When clutter and chaos are on the rise, profits and productivity decline.
While the mantra of the day may be "go paperless" that doesn't mean your ... Views: 1802
Are you already dealing with an overly hectic daily schedule or the added time crush of holiday commitments? Can you keep up with life's challenges on a macro level and find balance between your home life, work life, kids' lives and still find time for you without added stress and ... Views: 958
Are you living "in-between times?" Are you living in a gap and not sure whether you should look back or move forward? For example, are you in-between jobs, in-between relationships, in-between major holidays when nothing gets done in the workplace or in-between the ending of the old year and the ... Views: 1115
With the holiday season rushing toward you at warp speed and Thanksgiving just days away, are you already thinking, “How am I going to get everything done this year with less time and less money?” Are you so worried about all the details and how to pay for it that you will never get anything ... Views: 1393
What are you grateful for this year? Have you taken time to think about and be thankful for all the positive things that have happened in the last 12 months? Or, have you been busy just trying to survive and focusing on the negative, creating your own world of more stress. When you pursue this ... Views: 1687
Do you have a tendency to over-think and over-complicate everything you do? Do you feel like there must be just one more thing you need to do, find or search to make your plan perfect, work better or be more effective? The secret is to let go of the old. In other words, unclutter your thoughts ... Views: 2277
Are you a worrier, so much so that you actually have created exactly what you’ve been worrying about? Do you start a project and think to yourself “I’m never going to get this done” and you don’t? Are there times you dread doing something because you think you will fail only to actually do it ... Views: 1715
Is maintaining a positive attitude at the top of your “will do” list today? Are you finding it more and more difficult to go to work, look for a job or encourage others? According to a leading communications strategist the negative economy and discord in government has actually changed the way ... Views: 2278
With so many people unemployed, the stock market still significantly down from record highs in 2008 and economists arguing about whether the recession is over or is going to get worse, it’s a wonder if anyone has a bright outlook on the future.
Everyone has been touched by this economic ... Views: 1271
Stress often comes from being overwhelmed by just looking at or listening to all the clutter and chaos in your surroundings. Is clutter in the form of stacks of magazines, tons of paperwork, piles of clothes, boxes and books, 24/7 media, electronic devices constantly interrupting or… creating ... Views: 1372
Do Fine Art, Feng Shui and Good Fortune have anything in common besides the letter F? Absolutely, they are all about creating energy in your surroundings; energy that can make you happy or sad, be uplifting or depressing and be supportive or obstructive. They are also about providing much needed ... Views: 1311
Are you feeling out of balance, facing piles of unfinished projects, mounting financial indebtedness, or experiencing wellness issues that just won’t go away? If what you are doing to remedy these problems isn’t working, use Feng Shui principles to find balance and create new energy to attract ... Views: 1746
Are you an asset or a liability to the survival of your company during this economic downturn? No matter who you are or what your job description is, you’ve probably thought “Am I the next to go?” You don’t have to be so worried about losing your job, if you flip your thinking.
“Think ... Views: 1048
Are you planning a trip to a hotel or resort in the near future? Are you hoping for a positive energy change of pace that is filled with rest, relaxation and enjoyable recreation. Or is part of you dreading sleeping in an unfamiliar room in a strange city and a strange bed?
There are a few ... Views: 1096
Summer is almost here and so is patio living, picnicking and barbecuing. It’s all about relaxation in the great outdoors so you can absorb some of that great fresh air and relax. All you need is outdoor space that provides enough peace and quiet to give you the opportunity to rest, read a book ... Views: 991
What color are the walls in your bedroom? Are they peaceful colors that encourage quiet, calm, personal relaxation and body regeneration? Or, are they bright colors that encourage activity, lots of energy and a mind in constant motion? The color you surround yourself with in your bedroom can ... Views: 1858
Feng Shui is thought to be three to four thousand years old, originating in Ancient China. It is based on specific principles of living in harmony with your environment and your environment being in harmony with you so your life can be balanced, abundant and joyful. Out of those simple ... Views: 1055
“Recent economic hard times have swept millions of people from the positive to the negative side of the stream. These millions are struggling, some of them in desperation and fear, to get back to the positive side of the stream.”
This quote seems to describe very well the feelings sweeping ... Views: 855
Whether you are just beginning a new life together, have celebrated your 35th Anniversary or are still looking for your significant other, Feng Shui will help you create the foundation for a joy filled relationship. For young couples starting new homes, and those who’ve been married for years, ... Views: 1018
As a middle management sales team specialist, Judy didn’t have a moment to spare. She didn’t have time on her hands to worry about what tomorrow would bring; she had so many things to do within a 24 hour period that an army of six couldn’t possibly accomplish in a month.
She thought her time ... Views: 865
There is a lot of research showing a direct correlation between productivity and clutter, otherwise known as “stuff.” Personal efficiency, effectiveness and productivity decline when clutter and chaos are on the rise. Do piles of paper, stacks of stuff, disorganization and information ... Views: 1966
When the financial markets are down, housing sales are less than desirable and the norm seems to be chaos, one of the hardest things for a person to do is motivate yourself. It doesn’t matter what it is you are working on or need to get done; you just can’t seem to get started.
Do ... Views: 1109
Even though the 6:00 news preaches doom and gloom daily, you don’t have to buy into it. There are millions of people in our country that get up and go to work, find new jobs, buy homes, start a family or start new relationships every day of the week. They do not succumb to the prevailing ... Views: 850
January is the perfect time to energize your world for 2009. Did you make New Year’s resolutions to improve your life as the clock struck midnight? Did you also give thought to just how you are going to accomplish those ideal goals and objectives, to take control of your life or to achieve a ... Views: 815
Have you ever wondered does Feng Shui have anything to do with the holidays? Should you use Feng Shui during the holidays? Is it relevant during such a hectic season? Yes, Feng Shui is relevant and has everything to do with the holidays.
The holidays are filled with the most wonderful positive ... Views: 928
With the right kind of attitude, anyone can overcome worry and stress, even during the chaos of the holiday season. If you are feeling blue this holiday season, it’s easy to see why – tune into any news station, or read any newspaper or Internet outlet and nearly every story seems like more bad ... Views: 1054
Does nothing seem to be going your way? Will you ever get past those incessant nagging doubts that keep lingering in your mind holding you back? What do you do when you run into a “brick wall?”
These are questions millions have faced on too regular of a basis as was the case for ... Views: 1076
The things that lead to stress in your life can be wide ranging and often vary as much as individuals vary. The one stressor that seems to be a common denominator in many lives is clutter and the chaos it causes.
Clutter, when it is everywhere in your home or office, prevents the home from ... Views: 1308
Over the last couple of weeks, millions of viewers have watched the Democrats and Republicans put on their best faces. Both parties have been successful in their own ways. Some were trying to portray themselves in a different light; others were trying to put their best qualities forward. ... Views: 946
According to advertising experts, the average person is bombarded, even assaulted by more than 4000 impressions daily in the form of print, email, voice mail, radio, television and blaring advertisements. Additionally, you are constantly attacked with negative energy about the housing crisis and ... Views: 978
Kathy, an attractive woman in her mid thirties has a reasonably good job, a few good friends to spend leisure time with and enough money to live in a pleasant but small two bedroom home. While things looked good on the surface, she was very unhappy with where her life was headed and felt like ... Views: 864
The spectacular Opening Ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics were laid on a foundation of Feng Shui principles. Everything from the date and the location of the venue to the exact time of the opening and the torch lighting ceremony were based on a combination of principles from the Form and ... Views: 1049
Renewable or sustainable energy, climate change and environmental pollution are in the headlines daily. Are you considering a shift to a greener lifestyle and making changes in your home to bring it into more harmony with the environment? Is it time to take action on your thoughts? Should you ... Views: 1234
A successful independent business person named Sue is in the field of sales and also a client. She recently told me, “Without surrounding myself with Feng Shui principles, I’d never reach the end of my day meeting my self-defined sales quotas without being totally exhausted. Fortunately the Feng ... Views: 742
Kelley, a young mother with three young children, was struggling to keep up with meeting all of her children’s, husband’s, pets’ and household needs. By the time she took care of school and after-school activities, medical and dental appointments, shopped for food and purchased ... Views: 826
Ancient Chinese Emperors used Feng Shui’s positive energy principles to influence the good luck and good fortune not only for their lifetime but that of the next seven generations of their families.” In an article appearing in Fortune Magazine, according to veteran home builder Bob Toll, “one of ... Views: 2103
Do you know people that are on the go 24/7 and seem to have all the energy in the world? They just keep going and going like the Energizer rabbit - symbol for a well know battery manufacturing company. Have you ever noticed that the day eventually does come when they just stop dead in their ... Views: 844
Imagine your world where things go right 90% of the time. Imagine ending each day with time left over just for you. Imagine a better tomorrow without stress – filled with productivity and prosperity.
An independent business person that works out of her home office and is the top sales ... Views: 1172
Is time your friend, a friendly foe, an adversary or a heavy handed task master? Are you constantly racing against the clock to meet deadlines, complete projects and keep commitments? Do people, organizations, work and projects clamor for you time and attention - to the point you are no longer ... Views: 857