Most business people use the same level of skepticism about everything they consider. Some are always optimistic that things will work out. Some are always pessimistic. Most people are somewhere in the middle. When a problem selecting the right choice is difficult enough, you will probably find ... Views: 1228
I just started teaching a new class of aspiring entrepreneurs. One of them asked at the end of the first meeting, "Are you going to tell me what's the best business for me to start?"
He was surprised when I said "no" and told him, instead, about places where he could find lots of statistics ... Views: 1216
While I'm driving on the highway, I often find my compact car hemmed in by high-powered sports cars proceeding at well below the speed limit, despite having engines that could easily speed up to 140 miles per hour. What's with that?
Well, many people are more interested in putting on a show ... Views: 1211
In business, one skill rises above all others in determining how much success will occur: choosing the right task to work on next.
Let me explain why I came to that conclusion.
While working as director of strategic planning for a Fortune 200 company, I recall a time when my list of ... Views: 1037
Chances are that any small business either won’t still be operating or will have been sold to someone else within five years. Why?
The reason for both results is the same. The business results have failed to satisfy its owners’ needs and objectives . . . or have exhausted the owners’ ... Views: 1202