One of the reasons that an extramarital seems to flourish and go undetected is the belief by many partners that it could never happen to them. While some of it sounds like pride another component is that people trust the one they are with implicitly. They have never considered such a thing so ... Views: 871
You have always prided yourself on reading body language. You can pick up the most subtle of vibes positive or negative.
That does not mean however you are good at making the necessary course corrections. And the last date you had proved it.
Things started out pretty good. You and your ... Views: 688
The relationship is over. Sure you and your significant other have said that to each other on more than a few occasions but neither you ever really believed it let alone actually went thru with it.
Not This time. After once too many rides on the emotional roller coaster both of you have ... Views: 1000
This is not going to be pretty. A wonderful marriage has gone south and instead of getting out while there is still some semblance of love and respect something vicious is coming down the highway. The two of you are getting a divorce and as you see it only one person can win this war.
Your ... Views: 881
You don't get the full gist of it in the beginning of the relationship. And as far as your significant other is concerned you are not supposed to. If you did than the chances of you still being in the relationship would drop considerably.
So they went about sweeping you off of your feet and ... Views: 1306
There may be a difference of opinion on the exact number but there is no doubt that the divorce rate in this country is outrageously high.
It's so out of control that one person in California is gathering signatures in an effort to have a referendum on banning divorce.
Will it work? Not ... Views: 813
There are enough loose threads and half baked explanations just hanging out there which would make anyone suspicious. It's gone on long enough so now it is time to clear the air.
But when you do confront your spouse on whether they are having an extramarital affair, they give you the whole ... Views: 887
Nobody had to tell you. Your intuition has never let you down although in this instance you wish it had.
There were just too many things that didn't add up. Your spouse started taking better care of themselves. That is something that you had been urging them to do for years. So why now? Then ... Views: 1810
Life's short so have an affair. That's the tagline of a certain website that specializes in helping married people go the extra mile and have an extramarital affair. By all accounts business is very good for this company.
You do not know if your spouse has decide to go that far and contact ... Views: 984
The statistics on married and cheating spell it out pretty clearly. Forty one percent of people admit to having an extramarital affair.
And nothing reinforces those numbers like the recent trends of certain websites whose sole purpose is to encourage people to cheat on their significant ... Views: 852
Your friends say yes and wonder what you have been waiting for. Her friends have not exactly said yes but they seem to be giving you hints that the signs are definitely in your favor.
You would like to believe it but quite honestly you have been down this road before. Remember that one girl? ... Views: 1132
You've come a long way baby. That was the declaration of a certain cigarette commercial in the 1970's basically telling women they had arrived. This was in the midst of the movement to get society to not only recognize the contribution of women but more importantly to extend equal rights and ... Views: 1358
We've seen it on a daily basis. Someone that is overloaded with luggage or has one shopping bag to many tries to hail a cab. Then you watch them get inside which may be a production unto itself. After arriving at their destination exiting the cab can also be a study in comedy. But at least they ... Views: 1023
There is something galling about seeing a person that has worked hard their entire life having to in essence sleep with one eye open because they have reached a certain age that makes them particularly vulnerable to the predators of our society.
Of course there is no perfect world and all of ... Views: 1209
By all accounts consumers are doing a much better job of detecting and reporting identity theft. In fact the number of incidents had been in decline for a number of years.
"Had been" is the key phrase. According to Javelin Strategy and Research, identity theft increased by twenty two percent ... Views: 1415
One of the effects of domestic violence is illustrated in studies done by organizations like the Coalition for Battered Women. It is believed that when a woman attempts to leave a violent relationship the risk to her increases by a startling seventy five percent.
Why? As the Coalition's ... Views: 965
Early this year talk show host Oprah Winfrey featured an episode on the domestic violence cycle. She interviewed one gentleman who told her what it was like when he was physically assaulting his wife, "It made me feel invincible."
The first word that comes to mind is frightening. The fact ... Views: 725
At first you thought it was just nerves. Perfectly understandable. The courting, the engagement and the preparation stage are all leading to arguably the most important day of your life. Marriage is such a biggie that it's only natural you would have some doubts about it.
Except those doubts ... Views: 861
Something is going on with your significant other. And it ain't good. There is no doubt in your mind that they are fooling around but it appears like they know that you know. So the obvious cheating spouse signs that you read about are not there. Or at least not anything that you can definitely ... Views: 798
"Out of how many customer-service desks, out of how many registers she could have gone to, and she had to come to me?" It almost sounds like a take off of the Humphrey Bogart line from the movie Casablanca. It isn't. For Michelle McCambridge, the situation was all too real.
The Federal Trade ... Views: 1441
While computers and the internet have come to be an accepted part of our daily lives there are still many people who want no parts of them.
There are several complaints to go along with this. The perceived lack of privacy in the form of having to provide personal information and then ... Views: 1296
You are not naive to the ways of the world. You understand that just about every marriage relationship is going to have its ups and downs. Problems come up that cannot and will not be solved overnight. Disagreements will linger. Not because one person is wrong and refuses to apologize but ... Views: 2077
Do not think that for one minute it plays favorites. It has intruded on couples that have been married for twenty plus years and made a mess of things.
At the opposite end of the scale, newlyweds just starting out with dreams of love that they believe will sustain them through anything and ... Views: 627
As professional basketball player Richard Jefferson could probably tell you, it's not something that just happens in the movies. Jefferson was in the news but mostly for what took place off the court.
Jefferson and his fiance Kesha Ni Cole Nichols had been engaged for about two years and ... Views: 738