I wanted to expand some more on the article I wrote recently "Mental Attitude Is Everything" as there is so much to say about this topic of Positive Attitude. And, don't be surprised if later on I will want to cover this topic again as I truly believe that Mental Attitude IS Everything. ... Views: 671
What Are You Waiting For?
What is procrastination?
Psychologists define procrastination as the mechanism that we use to cope with the anxiety related to beginning or completing a task or decision. These behaviors that we use to procrastinate are useless, delaying and often even ... Views: 697
Sometimes Life throws events into our lives that forces us to adjust to new and different circumstances, a new way of living and to have a major life change, whether we are ready for change or not, whether we like it or welcome it or not. A particular event maybe judged as a positive change or ... Views: 946
Our mental attitude determine how we view our life, and how we react or act to the events that happen during our life time. Our beliefs determine our mental attitude. If you believe that you have no control over your life, then, when events happen, and they will happen (otherwise, our lives ... Views: 731