Tools For Change
Our tools represent capability and therefore power. Personal development has an array of tools specially designed to work with the unique characteristics of Human behavior and here I look at three of the most effective and powerful of these tools, meditation, visualization ... Views: 1215
Strange Reluctance
This article explores the serious subject of our species strange reluctance to wake up and become aware of the world as it truly is. The purpose of course is always the achievement of greater awareness and a higher level of consciousness concerning the true nature of ... Views: 1037
Hypnosis Weight Loss And Too Much Information
Over weight and obesity are a problem of epidemic proportions in the United States. So many people have been wrestling with this problem for so long, and there are so many real and not so real solutions going around, that it is all but impossible ... Views: 1161
Our Spiritual Journey Through The World Of Things
I am often asked how I can separate meditation from spirituality and the answer of course is that I can't and don't. We are spiritual adaptations of life who are currently in physical form, therefore anything we do is spiritual. We don't ... Views: 1226
Stress Anxiety And The Price We May Be Paying
It is critical for us to understand the relationship between the natural condition of stress and the unnatural condition of anxiety and how we manage them, because of the unseen price we pay. So many of us have accepted this situation as nothing ... Views: 943
Meditation Mindfulness and Mules
When it comes to meditation it is easy to get confused as to just what is going on and how to figure it out. Because feelings of frustration are the first emotions usually encountered by beginners, which is natural by the way, I thought a little clarification ... Views: 1124
Self Confidence And Self Esteem
Normally, something as basic as self confidence takes a while to develop, and even with the aid of self improvement tools like affirmations, meditation and hypnosis, it will not be a case of instant gratification which so many of us have come to expect these ... Views: 1071
The Swiss Army Knife Of Self Improvement?
Few of the tools available to us that are designed to help us bring about needed changes in our personality or even our basic spiritual makeup are as powerful and versatile as meditation. It could be said that this is the master key that can ... Views: 1437
The Ultimate Power Tool
Many people still don't realize that meditation is simply a high end tool used to achieve high end objectives. The fact that most of the worlds religions take advantage of this tool should be a testament to it's power. But for the most part, this tool's association ... Views: 1234
The Dysfunctional Landscape
It should be stated from the start that the obstacles mentioned in this article are those of a severe nature. I share the strategies and techniques for dealing with them because they are the same for minor dysfunctionality as they are for major train wrecks, the ... Views: 1588
The Nature Of Power
The idea that the source and foundation of all things is energy, is not new. Even the idea that objects of reality are basically varying vibrations of energy is not new. But without the idea, does anything exist? And if ideas are created from thought and thought is an ... Views: 930